
Someone was happily posing in the garden...*winks*


Someone was happily posing in the garden the other day....

Flashing that perfect smile for the niece S.

She takes instructions well...and varies her poses for the camera. *winks*

I must say I'm a wee bit jealous that it's hard to take a bad photo of her....*LOL*

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches.


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1 Lizzy Hill said...

Totally CUUUTE......& loving her outfit AND that bg inked up paper... Nice contrast!!!!

2 Lizzyc said...

oo me thinks your niece will be the next super model!!! hehe.. she is very cute, and she can work that camera!! love the fabulous back ground stencilling and the cute embellies too..

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

She is sooooooooooooooo CUTE!! I loveeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the adorable photos and the flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 Cindy deRosier said...

She's getting so big! And cute as can be.

5 Lisa said...

Oh, she's so adorable!! That smile is priceless!! I love the details, embellies and the stitching!! This is fabulous my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

6 Shelly said...

Oh, she is too cute!! Great pics!
Awesome layout!

7 Annette Allen said...

aww she is growing so fast.. such a cute layout

8 Lynn said...

You are lucky to have such a willing and cute subject. She enhances your artistic work and you make her look special too!

9 Mitralee said...

I love the inked up parts behind your photo! I always think it's awesome when you make those from flipping over a stencil! Super cool flowers on this one too, the whole thing feels garden-like!
Thanks for inspiring me this morning!

10 Audrey Pettit said...

She is the perfect little model! SO adorable! And super fun page, Yvonne! Love the stencils you used in the background... makes a totally clever scene. The brick pattern perfect mimics the tiles, and the round design looks like sunshine. SO clever!

11 Bonjourscrap said...

Love the stencil and stitching work ! Beautiful layout ! Thanks for playing at Stuck?! Sketches !

12 Dana Tatar said...

Gorgeous work! I absolutely love the misted background. Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches! :)

13 Mandy Melville said...

So bright and fun and happy! I love your background work! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Stuck?! Sketches!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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