
Why I love my Golden fiber paste...


One of my fave mediums to use is Golden fiber paste. The fibers in the paste are mineral fibers and the texture looks a little gritty but it's quite pliable. When you apply it over a colorant, it absorbs some of the colour for a slightly muted effect.

It's a little lighter than molding paste so it adds texture without bulk. Plus, it doesn't crack when you apply a thick layer [this happens when I apply a thick layer of molding paste]. 


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1 Michelle said...

Yvonne, this is fabulous! I love what you did with that paste. So creative!

2 Tanvi said...

I like the textures you have created & the lower part in white.

3 Teresa Zuehls said...

Very beautiful! I will have to try their fiber paste. I use Golden's light molding paste and it seems to be pretty pliable. TFS

4 Suman Pandit said...

Lovely textures and the effect is beautiful!!

5 Lizzy Hill said...

Gorgeous colours & those swirls are sensational....yes! The molding paste cracks for me, too:):)

6 Karon said...

This is fabulous - love it! I am just starting an art journal and need to get some paste - maybe a Michaels visit is in order :-)

7 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You are awesome-sauce!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee this!! GORGEOUS colors and textures!!!!

8 said...

This is fabulous and I enjoy using the fiber paste too. ~ Blessings, Tracey

Garden of Grace

9 Sherry Eckblad said...

Love the background with all the textures.

10 Hussena said...

I love the textures and the colors on this so much Yvonne ..Your card looks so Beautiful !!

11 SD pooja said...

The card looks like an abstract painting to me..I loved the translucent texture some what like vellum !

12 alexa said...

I can't decide whether it's the shapes or the colours which make me swoon - delightful. Off to google that stuff!

13 Lisa said...

Gorgeous, Yvonne!! The texture is amazing!! I haven't tried fiber paste yet but it's now on my must have list!! Absolutely beautiful canvas!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

14 Annette Allen said...

work of art.. i love it..

15 ~amy~ said...

LOVE this...I've been really lovin' what you do with the plasters adds so much to your cards and then you do all that other technique-y stuff on top of it...wonderful work.

16 Chantal Vandenberg said...

Oh you are rocking that tape! Awesome work!!!

17 Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OHHHH! What a gorgeous card-- LOVE the misting and the layers-- I need to come over for craft time with you! You could teach me SOOOOOO much! LOVE LOVE LOVE it:) <3

18 Ashley Horton said...

So pretty Yvonne!! Love that awesome texture!

19 Rose said...

girlfriend you rock the canvases :)

20 sandi said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! LOVE this! Such an eye-catching look to it!

21 Unknown said...

What a cool effect! Thanks for sharing why you like the Golden fiber paste. I don't know much about those types of goodies and I appreciated you sharing what is great about this one :)

Best crafty wishes!
Staying Crafty

22 Audrey Pettit said...

So, so fun! LOVE it!

23 Ella Swan said...

This looks so cool! You have me sold on that fibre paste!! I played with it this week & made 3 cards that I will post soon. It is awesome! I am going to have to order a big tub!!

24 Holly AKA KopyKat said...

This is so beautiful, love the texture.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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