
The little things mean a lot...


So, the luck with free movie tickets courtesy of my brother continues...[okay, he joined this club for a year and just wanted to milk it for all it was worth...I'm not complaining! *LOL*]

Nephew #1 and #2 were pretty excited about Despicable Me 2...and my sister came too. Now the nephews are terrified of my sister [her maternal instincts hasn't quite kicked in yet...] so when asked who wanted to sit with Aunt E, nephew#2 was quick to raise his hand to say, "Not me!" *LOL*
We loved the was hilarious! :)

This layout was based on the August sketch challenge at Purple Pumpkin. Come play along for your chance to win some Purple Pumpkin don't need to use any Purple Pumpkin products to participate!:)


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1 Chantal Vandenberg said...

Lots of fun!!! :D

2 Sandie said...

This made me laugh so much .... maternal instincts not kicking in and putting hand up to say 'not me' omg .... laughing!!! What a precious memory Yvonne and you captured it so beautifully ... hope you journaled your words you wrote in your blog post onto your layout!!!

3 Unknown said...

Funny story.Don't tell me that you were not secretly gloating over the fact that they would rather sit with you.I know I would have.The background is fun.Perfect balance of patterns and embellishment.

4 alexandra s.m. said...

Love the various "happy" elements that compose your fab' lay-out Yvonne!
Thank You!

5 Sindhu said...

very cute..........

6 Suman Pandit said...

Its a pleasure to read your posts, Yvonne!!

7 Denise van Deventer said...

Super, fun page Yvonne! Love the super colouring and the great details!

8 ~amy~ said...

Oh no that they are terrified of your sister! Love the fun layout!

9 Sherry Eckblad said...

You always have the best stories about the Nephews. Your poor sister. Love the layout as always.

10 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL to them being scared of your Sis!! I guess you haven't taught her the being bribed with candy trick yet?? LOL!! I loveeeeeeeee your lo! LOVING the photos and the colors!!!

11 Lizzy Hill said...

Heehee! It's NICE to be the Aunt everyone loves...I can relate to that, except they love me not their granddad 'cos he's GRUFF!!!! And glad you enjoyed the movie...I found it a bit naff....& love this sketch. Definitely playing along this how you've turned it into a multi photo one. Works a TREAT:):):)

12 sandi said...

This is just soooooooooooooo sweet! LOVE the fun electric mix upbeat!

13 Ashley Horton said...

Love this Yvonne!! Fun idea overlapping the two photos!!

14 Cindy deRosier said...

So funny that your nephews are afraid of your sister! What's the age difference between you? Do they spend much time with her?

15 SD pooja said...

What a fun reading your post Yvonne,the loved aunt !! Fab Lo always I loved the bg !

16 Erum Tasneem said...

This is super cool and looks so much fun!

17 Lisa said...

This is so fun!! I love the design and all of the details!! Just fabulous!! I took my niece to Despicable Me 3D too and we loved it!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

18 Rose said...

super FUN!!! got a laugh out of the "not me" comment!!! :)

19 Ella Swan said...

What a sweet & funny story & a lovely descriptive layout!

20 Audrey Pettit said...

You always make me smile with your stories! And your artwork is, as always, absolutely stunning!

21 alexa said...

That is a great sketch and you have made it your own with the painted/ inked background and the little dots. Such happy colours! Love the little car.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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