
My must-have supplies...(Part 2)

Last year, I did a must-have supplies list. Here's Part 2. :)

1. Ranger non-stick craft sheet.

Nothing sticks to it.

I use it to mix paint and mediums, spritz water on it to wash my paintbrush [why yes, I have my own ensuite bathroom but sometimes the ass just wants to remain in the chair...*LOL*].... It can take heat so you can use your heat gun to do embossing or drying your project. Stick your masking tape on it...and add stamp and paint....and it peels right off...onto your project.

Easiest cleanup ever. Use a wet rag over it. Or just peel off once the medium on it has solidified.

2. The Crafter's Workshop stencils.

Ahhhh...the possibilities are endless once you start layering the stencils. Even though I have other brands of stencils in my stash, I just LOVE the sheer variety The Crafter's Workshop has....[love the new releases!]

I love the quality too....they can totally take my constant "abuse"...*winks* . Totally worth the investment.

3. EK Success Cutter Bee scissors.

If you are looking for something to aid in your precision-cutting, this is it. I do all my fussy-cutting with it. It is small and lightweight and fits my hand perfectly. This is my companion when watching tv and doing a little fussy-cutting.  It's so good you really need like 2 pairs. At the very least. Like I do...*LOL*

4. Tonic Studios - Tim Holtz non-stick micro-serrated scissors.

Except for precision-cutting, I use this for everything else [it has serrated edges which I don't like in my fussy-cutting]. It can cut a variety of materials like aluminium [soda cans!], plastic and rubber and it is resistant to rust and corrosion.

There you have it. 4 must-have supplies (Part 2).  What are yours?


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1 Kishley (Dolly Sapra) said...

Awesome Post!! :D My must haves are 1.Fiskars softtouch spring action scissors (for precision cutting)
2. A local-brand craft knife & cutting mat ( I dont like using trimmer, even though i have one)
3. Anita's tacky glue - I have this thing in me to glue everything, even when i am using tapes & runners, I end up using a bit of glue! I like only PVA glues, and this is the only acid free one i could find here.
4. Bundles of patterned papers! Cant have anything without PPs. I love your way of making the backgrounds with splashes of colors, though i always end up using PPs :D

2 lavina agarwal said...

hi dear..hows you! sorry for commenting after such a long time..but i do see your updates on fb!awesome projects..thanks for sharin your must have's..will get the precision cutting soon now :)

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeee these!!! Mine is my pokey stick (aka paper piercer), my Westcott scissors for fussy cutting and my ZIP DRY!!!! Cannot survive without that!! LOL!!!

4 Sherry Eckblad said...

My must have lately is my sewing machine, my cutterbee scissors and my ATG gun.

5 Sharon Fritchman said...

Awesome list of supplies and I must say, I have them!!!! I also couldn't live without my brayer!

6 Hussena said...

Ok these can so easily be my must have supplies too ..except that I don't have any of this yet !!! ..but maybe soon :) ..Though I have to add that I can't do without my cutting mat its the most important of all my supplies :)

7 Audrey Pettit said...

Awesome list of scrapping necessities, my friend! I am sort of laughing to myself, though.....because I don't own ANY of these.....and now I WANT them all! haha!

8 SD pooja said...

Hey This mat seems magical to me..does not stain !! stencils are really a must have..specially after seeing the magic you do with them..

9 sandi said...

Love your supplies! I need some of! Lately I am really lovin washi tape!

10 Lisa said...

Those are all on my must-have list, too!! I also must have my Spellbinders...can hardly do a project without them ;) Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

11 Unknown said...

Fun to know about your go to supplies.I don't own any of these except tons of crafters workshop stencils..If I had to choose, I think my paper trimmer, stencils and gesso are my must have supplies since my fav kind of work is altering things.

12 said...

All 4 of these are on my must have list as well!! I don't know what I would do without any of them. LOL!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

13 Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Yep those are on my supplies as well, I like best glue ever, ranger poking tool and two way glue as well as my big shot, can't live without the big shot.

14 alexa said...

I'd probably have a guillotine on my list, but great to read about the stencils - not come across these.

15 Lizzy Hill said...

Yep, guillotine is # 1 here too... Love my glitter art glue too:):)

16 sannalippert said...

:) - I´ll second every single must-have of yours, additionally to that I could not live without Aleene´s Tacky Glue :)

17 ~amy~ said...

Awesome list...big fan of the cutter Bee scissors :)

Here's my list:

Martha Stewart Detail Scissors

ATG (I love my PINK one)

American Crafts foam adhesive dots

Baby Wipes for cleaning stamps

Glue pen

18 Cindy deRosier said...

Totally different from my list, which includes two Fiskars trimmers (one for photos and one for paper), Fiskars microtip scissors, Martha Stewart Glittering Glue, Tombow tape runners, and Chestnut Roan Chalk Ink by Clearsnap.

19 Ella Swan said...

I wrote the longest comment earlier then lost the internet!! Grrrrrr!!!! Yes to the craft mat (ordered mine this week - finally understood the benefits only recently & never buy anything unless I am sure I will use it) Yes to the scissors but I like the grip for my fussy cutting. I also need a craft knife & Fiskars trimmer too!!

20 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

stencils, huh???


I own 1,2 and 4! I also need my paper-trimmer...I cannot cut anything in a straight line!!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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