
Everyone loves dino cupcakes!


So one of my best buys from last month's trip to Sydney was the dinosaur cupcake mold. Because everyone loves the dinosaur cupcakes! Yep...who wants regular cupcakes when you can get dino ones, right? *winks*

The T-Rex is particularly popular but generally everyone got a kick out of biting every dinosaur's head off....*LOL*

Playing along with the challenge at Skissedilla.


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1 Michelle said...

Great layout! I adore all of the fun elements. (Love those wood letters!) but my favorite part of this is the journaling. Such a cute story. Dino cupcakes? Yum!!!

2 Suman Pandit said...

Hi Yovnne!! you showcase all things yummy........ now the Dino cupcake mold is on my wishlist!!

3 Hussena said...

Aww that Dino cupcake looks yummy and adorable at the same time can totally understand why its a Fave with your family :) .. This is such lovely Lo Yvonne I love the way you have fussy cut that one cupcake pic and highlighted it in the corner ..looks so real !!

4 alexa said...

Never heard for dino cupcakes but glad you have been able to use the inspiration for such a great page! Love the addition of the black and white - it always seems to make other colours just bounce off the page.

5 Naomi Edwards said...

Oh wow I would love to find a mold to make these for Michael, he would love to bite their heads off as well, or I would! Beautiful layout Yvonne and I love where you placed your stamp and written words, even over the glassine bag! Your background is as unique and beautiful as EVER!!! hugs

6 Jessi Fogan said...

What a fun find :)
I love the glassine bag peeking out - and the grid tape! Such unexpected little bits :) Love it!

7 Sherry Eckblad said...

I would love to bit the head off a dinosaur cupcake. What a fun layout!

8 Lizzy Hill said...

That background....LOOOOOVE!!! And such a great buy, eh????:):):)

9 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I wanna dino cupcake!!!!! I loveeeeeeee this!! LOVING the photos and the masking!!!

10 said...

Gorgeous page and love the misted chevrons! ~ Blessings, Tracey

Garden of Grace

11 Annette Allen said...

so totally cute.. i love that chevron background.. love it

12 Tenia Nelson said...


13 sandi said...

How cute is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the background. Love the sweet pics and look around them.....sweet!

14 Laurel said...

Seriously amazing! I would so love to sit and watch you work!

15 Lisa said...

Oh yum, the cupcakes look delicious!! And the layout is fabulous!! I love the details of the background!! And what a sweet picture of the Little Queen!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

16 Lene - Nabon said...

Love this, and all it's fun details! Great way to show what you got on your page!

17 Cindy deRosier said...

I want a dinosaur cupcake!

18 SD pooja said...

Had fun reading n visualizing " biting every dinosaur's head off..." You are such a pro in writing posts..Its always fun to read.I loved the bg with text n colorful chevrons..and the glassine bag peeking..and as Hussena said the fuzzy cut dino looks real..!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous page!! What a fun and cute cupcake mold!!!! Do you deliver lol!!

20 Tone-Lill said...

Gorgeous gorgeous and gorgeous!!! A fantastic and fun made LO. Love the mixed media bg, it is so cooool!!

21 Unknown said...

What an adorable layout! I laughed at your comment about biting their heads off :)

Best crafty wishes!
Staying Crafty

22 Ashley Horton said...

Too cute Yvonne! And I love that cut out dino!! :)

23 Angi Barrs said...

Love this page Yvonne. The wood letters and SRM stickers are a great addition to this page.

P.S. Thanks for reminding me about journaling. I keep forgetting...sigh. I will be sure to add it to my next page. (wink) ;)

24 Jinny Newlin said...

Super cute, Yvonne! Really love that chevron background, and such a fun memory to scrap!

25 Brit Sviggum said...

Oh, this is so sweet! Love all your small details! Stunning!

26 Asil said...

Wow, your background is stunning! Love all the different elements on your layout!!

27 Rose said...

oh i love the fun dino cupcakes!! super cute layout :)

28 Laetitia67 said...

woaw artsy backround work!! just looove your page!!!
Thanks for playing with us at skissedilla ;)

29 Ella Swan said...

Very cool! You are rocking the mixed media big time these days. That background is awesome...

30 Arnlaug said...

This is so cool! Love all the fun details:-)

Thanks for playing along at Skissedilla:-)

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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