
3 things I learned from 1 year of blogging

3 things I learned from 1 year of blogging

Okay, I've definitely learned more than 3 things from 1 year of blogging but these 3 things stand out.

1. Comments. Comments. Comments. The mainstay of a blog. I think I'm better at commenting than I am at writing posts. Especially answering questions. I've stopped leaving single word comments because when people leave me those, I wonder if they actually read my post. So if I comment, it's actually at least 2 lines. More if I like the person and we've become friends. Way more if you ask a lot of questions. I leave a comment on every blog I visit (unless there are technical difficulties) and I visit return blog visits unless the person hides their profile.

2. Google reader is the best invention after cable tv (in my opinion :). It's a time-saver...really helps you organize the posts you want to read ( I hit the blogs I follow FIRST). You can share posts with friends and bookmark items you want to revisit. The only scary thing is when you go away and have no internet connection and then check back to see that you have 1000 + unread

3. Playing in carnivals is possibly the single best way to make new friends with a common interest. I started playing in photo memes, then card carnivals and blog hops. It is a lot of work but the fastest way to network.

What have you learned from blogging?

This layout was inspired by the challenge at Method Playground to go green. I used a mirror (from an old compact), a key (spoiled lock) and a brown paper bag. Patterned paper from Collage Press, vinyl letters from American Crafts. Some pearls, buttons and bling. Pin It


1 adrienia said...

Wow excellent work :) u have improve so much within a year !

Anonymous said...

Just love your layout!The colors and the lovely embellies...and wow that background looks like a computer/blogging screen,love your design Yvonne as always!
What I've learned from blogging is that there are so many good,wonderful people in the whole world,makes life feel much better ;)

3 ~amy~ said...

Hey year?! Happy Blogaversary!!!!!!!! I love your fav color combo right now:)

I've learned sooo much from blogging:

1. addictive...LOVE google helps feed that addiction.

2. there are soooo many kind peeps 'out there' are definitely one of them...I love how you do projects for people...I LOVE mine...truly a keepsake:)

3. inspiration...good grief, there are sooooo many creative people out there...whether they are paper crafters, home decor experts, or just plain fun...blogging has really helped to bring all types of people together...

I should probably stop now...LOL...I'm sooooooooo glad that you started your lovely blog...I'm thrilled that we are truly always inspire me Yvonne....

4 Laurel said...

What a great layout! I need to do a page about my blogging too, it has really changed my life (and my bank account, hehehe - so many enablers out there!)

5 MirjamC said...

HAPPY BLOG-ANNIVERSARY:):):)and what a super blog-lo!!!
what i have learned from blogging? haha, i think blogging is very good for my english (i can read and understand it..but writing...ooops i make alot of mistakes) and i have also learned of the wonderful work from other scappers and it makes my day when i receive 'feelgood' comments from my blog friends!!! have great weekend!!!

6 Dora said...

That is fun to read, and I even can tell you a story... there was a person, won't tell names but she visits my blog once in a while so I followed her a day I never heard something back, but I still left message for her...two weeks later I received a messega and also that day I was on a blog from a friend...she had left the same I mean exactly the same comment on that blog, she just copy and to see you make a project about blogging.
And the honesty of the journaling, touching and just perfect!
have a wonderful weekend!

7 Sparkplug17 said...

What a great thing to scrap! Love it!

8 laterg8r said...

happy blogoversary!!! i love reading your blog and seeing all the super cool and funky things you create!!!

i think blogging is a very visual medium so if there are no pictures i find it a bit dull.

9 papertrails leaver said...

Yvonne!!!! I got a fabulous package from you in the mail yesterday! I was completely stoked! Thank you so much for all the fun embellies and goodies you sent! It was extremely sweet of you! :-)
Happy Blogovesary!

10 Maggi said...

I just love this lo Y! I love love love that you scrap the "every day" or things most people wouldn't think to record, what a treasure trove of layouts you have! You need to give classes, I would attend! lol

I'm with you on the comment thing. That's my #1, always always always comment! It's a lot of work having a blog but I love it!

((hugs)) to you, I just adore you!

11 BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How have I never heard of carnivals?? What are they exactly?? I learned that the blogging community is just that...a real community of fabulous people who support each other!

12 scrapdictive said...

I've seen your messages on Dora's blog about every day and I've decided to look you up.
I like your style. Every card/LO is so different from the others. Great!

You're so right about the single word comments, I think. The day I start with a single word comment is the day that I will have to stop blogging.

See y' around.


13 said...

I am so happy you stopped by my blog! Finding yours is like finding a treasure! What great scrap booking LOs and and I love how you use all your materials. You are now in my Google Reader :>)

14 Juhi said...

Hey Yvonne, Happy Blog-anniversary!! I have been following your blog for for more than half a year, reading your blog is the first thing I do after logging in......way to go girl!

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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