
A family layout and life update


Hello friends! Just wanted to share a family layout on a recent outing with the folks and nephew #1 to celebrate my birthday. And give you a little life update.

Nephew #1 has been serving his National Service (mandatory for all Singaporean males) since January so my parenting duties have been limited to weekends when he gets to come home. 

Just when I've gotten into a comfortable home routine of feeding/caring for my family and getting my own work done, life threw a curveball.

Dad had a heart attack on March 2 and had 2 stents and a balloon to clear the blockage in one artery. His angiogram also showed a blockage in another artery and he's scheduled for another stenting procedure on 31 March. 

Mum is so stressed out that she lost a ton of weight and can't sleep at night. Meanwhile, stubborn dad still wants to eat unhealthy food despite his near-death experience...and has to be reminded everyday to take his medication.

My sister starts her new job at the end of March with no option to work from home at all. So daily caregiving duties fall on me except when I need to travel. I am tired and scared...but I will do my best to navigate the next few months. The folks are weak but still mobile so I'm not doing everything for them.

This is my creative outlet so I'll still be sharing my creations but please forgive me if I take a while to return blog comments.


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Oh Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear this. It's so hard having our parents age. I hope your dad's upcoming procedure goes smoothly and that your mom's stress level can ease up a little bit after that. Continue to take care of yourself, which can be hard to do when you're the caretaker for everyone else. They are lucky to have you.

2 Lynn said...

Oh boy, when it rains, it pours. Never fear, the sun will come out tomorrow. You and your family will adjust to changes. It will take time and patience. Good luck to you and your family. Don't worry about blogging. Your blog friends will be loyal and wait for your posts. Hugs to you and your family.

3 Lizzyc said...

Oh I feel for you.. It is not easy when our parents begin to decline in health. You can only do what you can do.. and do take time for yourself too as you will quickly find yourself burning out.. I trust the next procedure will go well and your Dad will recover as much as possible.. I hope your dad adjusts to his new normal of taking his medications and watching his diet.. one day at a time is always a good way to take things.. take care...

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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