
The one about Jon and the laundry basket


So my nephew Jon came over for a visit on New Year's Eve and found his fave "toy"! Yep, the laundry basket! *LOL*

He was adamant about pushing the laundry basket from the living room up a few steps to the dining room, making a turn and repeating the process again and again. And like most toddlers, he would get mad if anyone "helped" him. *winks*

I must say that he had pretty good motor skills for a 23 month old. He could navigate turns without hitting anyone or anything....and he was relentless in his "laundry work"!  The adults were very entertained. :)

Happy Friday friends!

Enjoy your weekend! :)


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1 Cindy deRosier said...


2 Lynn said...

Seems like he has a good work ethic!

3 Lizzyc said...

Oh such fun for him! Lets hope he grows up and knows what to do with a full laundry basket!! hehe!! fabulous layout!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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