
A family fave - French custard tart


This year I've been working on perfecting some family faves. Like the French custard tart.:)

Apparently, the Yams really love it. Especially nephew #1. He would have 1 slice before he leaves for school and then raids the refrigerator the moment he gets home to have another. *LOL*

It is not difficult to make but requites a lot of patience. *winks*

The pastry cream needs to rest at room temperature than refrigerated overnight for best results. The pastry needs to be made, rested, rolled, rested, par-baked with beads, then without beads, cooled then baked with custard. The baked tart needs to cool to room temperature before having a 12 hour overnight chill in the fridge but you can slice the tart and eat it.

I like using a Pâte Sucrée base with some almond grounds for texture. It works well for the long bake in the oven. 

Just lots of fussy-cut bits, stickers and washi tape. :)


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1 Lynn said...

Great layout to highlight the delicious looking tart! My family also loves custard tarts but I just buy them....too lazy to go to all the trouble of baking.

2 Cindy deRosier said...

That sounds amazing! Lucky Yams!

3 Lizzyc said...

Wow thats a lot to do for that tart that I reckon would get eaten up quickly.. you are very patient!

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