
The reworked Christmas tree


So I've never actually decorated a Christmas tree. Like ever. I was still using the one my bestie from secondary school made me years ago because it was small enough to fit into a bag and into my cupboard when I was done. All I had to do each year was take it out of the cupboard, fluff it up a little and plug in the lights and my Christmas tree was all set up! *winks*

But this year, it was clearly showing its wear and I even bought another one to replace it (see previous post Christmas projccts 2018). Of course, I had a change of heart and decided to see if I could rework it and give it maybe a few more years. *LOL*
Now the tree was previously decorated with ornaments then spray-painted with white paint for a snowy effect. I managed to remove the hanging ornaments that had broken pieces/were discolored and what was left on the tree was sprayed painted "presents", apples and berries (Photo on the left).

My mum recently went to a Malay wedding and came back with 3 door gifts (they held candy) that  were perfect for ornaments on my tree.

The inspiration for the gold and white theme reworked tree came from this gorgeous handmade ornament from my bloggy friend Lisa Bzibziak

So I went in with the gold paint, bling and glitter of course. ;)
It took way longer than I anticipated but I love my reworked Christmas tree that looks really pretty when it's all lit up at night, in my room :)

P/s: Merry merry Christmas my friends! Enjoy the rest of 2018 and I will see you in 2019! Happy holidays! :)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhh that looks amazing! I love it! Merry Christmas!!!

2 SD pooja said...

The tree looks Glamorous !! Merry Christmas and a Happy New year :)

3 Cindy deRosier said...

Love it! The gold and white is so elegant. Merry Christmas! Looking forward to seeing what you create in 2019.

4 Lisa said...

It is so elegant and gorgeous!! I love it!! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!! Christmas hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 Doreen Vasquez said...

Awww... so glad you were able to save your tree! Long live The tree, LOL! She is a beauty! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also!

6 Unknown said...

You shared a great tip to rework on Christmas tree. I would like to do this tip at upcoming Christmas. But I joined a job at assignment writing company in Karachi. Therefore, it is hard to manage my time for this Christmas tree but I will try to manage my time.

7 Leo5 said...

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8 Maya Ali said...

Artificial Christmas Trees really started becoming popular in the early 20th century. In the Edwardian period Christmas Trees made from colored ostrich feathers were popular at 'fashionable' parties. Assignment Makers In Pakistan

9 Billy Kimber said...

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