
When I wanted a die-cut but...this happened *winks*

Yes friends. This really happened. I wanted a die-cut to finish a project...and somehow it turned into a 5 hour die-cut marathon session. Clearly I have issues. *LOL*

And of course since I didn't want to waste any of the die-cutting scraps...this was followed with a serious punch-out session. This is normal behaviour for a crafter right? *winks*


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1 Doreen Vasquez said...

Yup, totally normal! This happened to me last night... I went in my craft room w/ the thought of 'okay I'll just pick out/print a couple of photos to be ready for my next project' and didn't leave until the entire page was done (and all my stuff was put away).
I had trouble getting up this morning, LOL

Happy Wednesday!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Totally normal! For a crafter, anyway. I suspect other people would think we were crazy. But what do they know?!

3 Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, is your arm sore?? I had to get an electric machine after too many of these marathon session ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Audrey Pettit said...

Lol, you make me laugh! But yes, this is totally normal behavior.... and I love that you try to use every tiny bit of your scraps!

5 CraftyHope said...


6 StirYourCreativity said...

I agree

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