
What's new in my life (July/August 2018 edition)

Hello friends! I'm still fiddling around with the art supply placements in my creative space but I think I'm almost done. And since there appears to be some empty space...

I got me some new pens! *winks*

And since it can get lonely crafting by myself...I now have a Digital Assistant to tell me weird things I want to know but am too lazy to check on Google. *LOL*

I'm currently obsessed with this pair of shoes I got from Zara (when I was in Taipei last month). Yes, you can tell that I like drama in my shoes too! :)

Of course, since I love drawing and colouring eyes...I can't neglect the ones on my face right? Meet my new eye shadow palettes (aka art supplies for the eyes). :)

What about you? What's new in your life?

Happy weekend friends!:)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhh I loveeeeeeeeee those shoes!!!!! I can't wear them (medical!) -- but man, those are FABULOUS!!!! And hehehe on buying new pens -- we can't have any empty space, right??! LOL!!!

2 Lizzyc said...

oo lucky girl with those wonderful new things... not much new for me... but thats ok!!

3 Lisa said...

What awesome new goodies!! And those shoes are fabulous!! I wish I could wear shoes like that!! Your crafty space is spectacular!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Cindy deRosier said...

No such thing as too many pens! New in my life? Books I'm dying to curl up and read. :)

5 Audrey Pettit said...

Oh, how fun! LOVE this post! You are seriously just soooooo adorable, Yvonne! I can totally picture you in those fabulous new shoes, tromping for miles to have lunch with your dad again.... and looking amazing every step of the way. Fabulous new eye shadow palettes, too, and love all your new supplies. Looks like you've had a great couple of months!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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