
I may have a thing for purple lips...*winks*


So I may have a thing for purple lips, methinks. 
Just the other day, I bought two purple lipsticks.  Not that I'll be wearing them much. They make me look errr...unapproachable. Okay, that's putting it mildly...I look scary to me. Like if I saw myself, I would rather get lost than ask me for directions kind of scary. *LOL*

Since I can't pull it off in real life, I shall live my purple lips vicariously through my sketchbook. *winks*

Here are the supplies I used for my purple lips.

What about you? Can you pull off the purple lipstick look? ;)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I am so 20 years past being able to wear purple lipstick! LOL!! That looks amazing!!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Come on... no photo of you wearing the purple lipstick(s)?! I totally want to see Unapproachable Yvonne. The sketch looks great; you probably would too. :)

3 SD pooja said...

A Vampire Yvonne ;)!! He he..loved those lips.

4 Lisa said...

You definitely need to post picks of the purple lipstick!! And these lips are amazing!! Wow!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 Lynn said...

Ooooh! Put a photo of you with blue lips on one of your layouts. How about your whole family with blue lips? I'm just kidding. You sure can sketch lips as well as eyes. Talent plus!

6 Audrey Pettit said...

Haha, no.... cannot pull off the purple look... but I LOVE seeing it! Awesome drawing! Your shading and highlighting is just stellar, and I love the contrast here against that kraft background!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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