
Your weekend project: mixed media wall art


It's March and into month #3 without Netflix. *dramatic music plays in the background* 

Instead I've been watching YouTube videos on Minimalism. I know. That's so NOT me. *LOL* Of course, with these sort of videos, there are so few things in sight that your eye tends to wander to where there are things *winks* like the walls. Which have one or two framed quotes in gold foil text on a clean white background. 

"Well, I can do that", I said to myself. And then of course, my background is mixed media madness and my text is in black. Hahaha!

I started with a white plastic frame that I bought cheaply in Manila back in 2016. Yes, it was left languishing in my cupboard for a while. Since my motto this year is to "Use it or lose it", this baby got a few lovely coats of spray paint to make it look a little more "expensive". 

Next, I found a piece of hot-pressed watercolour paper that was THE perfect size for the frame (read: no cutting required!). Then I thought to myself, "Why waste a good sheet of paper on some text?" And then promptly went to town with spray mists and stencils, acrylic paints and liquid acrylics. Yep, we are talking about Maximalism here. ;)

Of course, that whole process took a bit of time and I asked myself, "Do I really want to cover all that up with a quote?". Actually, I was tired at this point and really didn't feel like fiddling with text plus I've been practising brush lettering my daily affirmation so that's what I went with....YES.

So I wrote the word numerous times on wrapping tissue....chose the one that I liked best and just adhered it to the base with gel medium. Of course, you get just write directly on the watercolour paper but when you do it this way, you can play with the placement of the text on different parts of your artwork but committing to it. :)

Happy weekend friends!


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1 Shylaashree said...

gorgeous mixed media project yvonnie

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This looks AWESOME!!! And HA!!! I would give anything to live in a tiny house (I love watching Tiny home shows!!!) ... but then I think, ummmmmmmmm where would all my COMPLETED projects go???? LOL!!! Notice I didn't say all my unused stuff, but COMPLETED projects?!??! That has to be progress, right?!?!? LOL!!!!

3 Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, stunning!! Wow!! Amazing what a can of spray paint can do to a frame!! And then you add the work of art inside!! Gorgeousness!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Heather McMahon said...

Oh I love this - and the process behind it! That background is amazing!

5 Cindy deRosier said...

Maximalism - hahaha! Yeah, minimalism isn't you at all. Love the idea of practicing lettering on tissue and then choosing one to add.

6 Audrey Pettit said...

You make the BEST backgrounds, my friend! And I love your approach of taking minimalism to the max!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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