
Someone is Discipline Monitor...*winks*


So my niece S is now in primary school. And gets to wear some fancy sash (like some beauty queen...hahaha) because she is Discipline Monitor. Yep, they start the "indoctrination process" the moment they go to school. *LOL*

Of course, the Discipline Monitor was caught playing and messing up my lanterns during Chinese New Year. Evidently, not very disciplined, I must say....(the irony...;)

Does it look like I'm trying very hard to fit in my paper scraps and embellishments? 

I'm playing along with the fun recipe challenge over at The Studio Challenges which is to incorporate as many of the following as possible:



Wood veneers
Aqua colour
Enamel Dots
A heart

How many did I incorporate???

Yep. All. Yay. Go me! :)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Sooooooooooooo cute! She looks adorable in her sash!! And loving that outside of school she isn't very disciplined!! HA!!!!!! LOVING the colors on this too!!!!!!!!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Love this! I really like the striped background against the main part of the layout. And why didn't anyone tell me back in my teaching days that I should have given a kid the role of Discipline Monitor instead of dealing with it myself?! Would have saved me a lot of trouble!

3 Lisa said...

She is so absolutely adorable...even if her discipline is a touch lacking around your lanterns ;) With that smile, she can get away with anything!! And yay you for incorporating all of the items in this!! It's spectacular!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 HappyMomentzz by Sharada Dilip said...

That's one lovely layout and love the way you have put in so many things yet kept it simple and I love your signature style <3

5 Mitralee said...

That's adorable!!!! And we'll run with that she just wanted to touch the pretty paper, which we certainly understand!!! What a big job! love the layout!

6 Audrey Pettit said...

My gosh, how CUTE! Little Miss Sophie is getting SO big! I am smiling over her new role as discipline monitor... and your story about Chinese New Year. But that does sound too hard to resist! ;)
Beautiful layout! Just love the bits you put together. You nailed that challenge, for sure. I am loving the little birds you've been using lately. Reminds me of your BG bird challenge!

7 denise said...

I really love this layout and these cute photos! Great take on the receipe challenge! Thanks for playing along with the studio challenges!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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