
The stuff in my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" boxes...*winks*

If you didn't already know, I have trouble throwing out know, just in case. *LOL* So I store them in my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" box/es. 

Ready to see the stuff in my boxes??? *dramatic music plays in the background*

Are those scallop shells? Yes. Those would make a great front and back cover of a mini beach vacation album right? I mean, I will get to them one day. I think. *winks*. And there's a mobile phone cover, old belt buckles, broken jewellery parts, electronic parts, old leather shoe bits...

Yep. Others see them as junk but I see them as possibilities...

I mean, I really use them in my projects...

The mixed media canvas that lights up
For instance, I used one of those wheels from broken toys on this project...

Quick paper bags with found objects
One of the old leather shoe straps was on one of these paper bags...

Mixed media canvas with found objects
Getting to know my creative process
And I have used old lighting parts on these mixed media canvases...

What about you? Do you have a "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" box???


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I have SEVERAL places that hold "I just can't throw that away" stuff!!! Not just BOXES!! HA!!! And I am TOTALLY AFRAID to know what you MIGHT USE those handcuffs on!!! LOL!!!!!! Let's hope it's never on an "I was arrested" project!!! LOL!!!!!!

2 Lisa said...

I have boxes and boxes of just waiting to be used!! The very sad thing is, I hardly ever touch them!! Why? I don't know!! I just keep adding to them. I think I might need an intervention ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

3 SD pooja said...

The first thing I noticed was the toy wheels and wondered what will you do of them..and absolutely amazed by how you did it !! Perfect use !! I do have a box of bits n bobs but sadly I am throwing stuff as it can handle no more neither can I :(

4 StirYourCreativity said...

I too hoard lots of things thinking of using them later but that later keeps on delaying :)

5 Cindy deRosier said...

I'm always blown away by how you use this bits and pieces! I save some items, but not the same kinds of stuff.

6 Audrey Pettit said...

You are so masterful at re-using various bits and bobs! And I LOVE that you do that! I've got a couple of "junk" caches filled with random stuff, too, but you are the queen of recycling!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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