
A mixed media canvas that lights up...


So the other day I was commissioned to do a mixed media canvas as a farewell gift for a dude. There were a couple of requirements:

1. Must incorporate photo of dude on motorbike and make him look "cool".
2. Must incorporate multiple photos that are not related to each other. 
3. Must have bling but not the girly kind.

And my own requirements was to upcycle as many things as I can from my stash for this project. *winks*

Well, the dude on the bike would have been easier to incorporate if the photo had included the whole bike and his foot. But the back of the motorcycle and his foot were not in the original photo. *insert dramatic music that signals trouble*

Fortunately, I keep lots of "junk" like old toy parts. Unfortunately, the toy tyre was a tad bigger than what I needed so I did a bit of optical illusion by angling the bike....and hiding his missing foot in a cloud of exhaust fumes [aka white feathers...hehe]. Did my optical illusion work?

Given that I could NOT use my usual ammunition of floral blingy glittery stuff as embellishments,  I thought it would be fun to add some battery-operated LED lights so that the group photo is like a billboard.  Which kind of works with all the computer cables I used. *I think?*

So the main group photo was housed in a black plastic packaging case [I knew I kept it for a reason...hehe] which can be lifted up to incorporate the unrelated group photos. 

Even the title work was from hard foam from old packaging. I threw in some buttons and nuts as my "bling".

Now the recipient can just prop up this canvas on his desk and use it as a light source at night.  :)

What do you think?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is sooooooooooooooooo AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love how you did the photos and loving all the 'junk' you added!!!!! VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Suman Pandit said...

this is so clever ...the optical illusion worked and the LED lights is such crazy addition which works wonderfully !! Wow Yvonne, bet the dude felt special !!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

WOW! So creative! I especially like the tire and feather solutions.

4 Lisa said...

My gosh, it's amazing!! You surpassed the requirements!! I love how you added the wheel and the feather to the bike!! The lights - wow!! Just spectacular, my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 lavina agarwal said...

Wow.. Amazing utilization of junk on this one! Love the optical illusion you created!
Thanks for dropping by at my blog dear.. Ya I am trying to bring some discipline in our meal time routine. Making it gadget free. Thanks for appreciating :)

6 Mitralee said...

VERY VERY CLEVER!!! Love the bike exhaust! I was excited to see a feather!!! The lights just rock!

7 Audrey Pettit said...

Holy cow, Girl!! You NAILED THIS! Seriously NAILED it! This is genius on so many levels..... Adding a back tire to the bike, hiding his missing foot in smoke, and the lights!!! Pure genius!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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