
Scrapbooking journaling journey.

I think the one thing people struggle with is journaling. And probably why many are hesitant to start scrapbooking. It just seems easier to put everything in a photo album. For me, scrapbooking is not about THE particular moment in the photo/s but the feelings/emotions associated with the photo in one's life. The story told through MY perspective. It took me a while to get here is my journaling journey.

My favourite layout of 2009

Like most people, I started scrapbooking using a narrative voice. Photo, embellishments and simple journaling that gave details about who was in the photo, when it was taken and where. In other words. Boring.


Then I decided to scrap the nephews for my brother. It became descriptive..."Sean and Ocean went to the playground and had fun today..." with dates and posed photos. These worked for a while because I was doing mostly minis and wall displays so journaling was minimal.

With grandma

The turning point came when I realized that I was spending all this time and effort recording my nephews' milestones and giving them to my brother and his wife, and they never once said "Thanks!" or even displayed them in their home. :(

This realization was a good thing though. It changed my whole perspective on scrapbooking.

Who was I scrapbooking for?

The one who peed on me

So I started writing to my nephews [and niece]. The journaling on their layouts are my thoughts and feelings about them. About how proud I am of them. Of their little accomplishments. Of the fun we have together. Of the times they made me laugh. That they were loved by their aunt. 

How do I look

Now my layouts have funny stories to go along with them. They are in albums in the living room where everybody has access to view them. And the nephews and niece will get their individual albums when I die. They would have to fight over the family albums though because I'm an artist and not a duplicate machine....[I don't do multiples of any layout so that everyone gets a copy. Couture layouts only. *winks*]

So the next time you get stuck on your journaling...think about who is going to inherit the layout. And write to them. [Really old style has changed eh? Or I just got better at editing my photos? *winks*]

What about you? What's your journaling story?


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1 Cindy Lee said...

Ohh, I love all your layouts especially the one with your niece! So sweet! My journaling is more like recording the little moments that were not captured through the lens. I hope my daughter would appreciate all the layouts I did for her when she grows's her :)

2 Annette Allen said...

you are so inspiring.. I totally agree with you on scrapbooking should be feeling and emotions.. I am still learning scrapbooking.. can't figure it out sometimes.. Thanks for sharing your tips and amazing pages..

3 Lynnda said...

What a great post my dear friend... Interesting ...and your journal style as evolve ..Love these layouts ... beautifully done!!!...Totally agree... I used to get stuck too... but now .. its getting easier...for me journal...tells the story beyond the photo... like why/how/where/what happened after... based on the photo...I'd have a good laugh or otherwise ...when I look back !! Matin told me once...I love your creations... and I promise Mommy that I will keep them safe with me!!! hes the sweetest!!!

Enjoy Friday...and have a good weekend... hugs...x


A thought-provoking post, Yvonne! I am still trying to figure this one out.

5 paperpapier said...

oh! thank you so much for summarizing what journalling is all about in a easy to understand write up. I read pages and pages of article about journalling and do not understand the essence of it. I left the journalling part on my earlier layouts because I am struggling what to write/journal. Now I think I will start to pen down my thoughts on those layouts photos.
Heaney xx

6 Hussena said...

Mnnn your question is a valid one and which i have never really thought about ....I really enjoy seeing your LO and the way you have these fun incidents and moments to share And I feel that scrapbooking should be all about emotions and love which your Lo always reflect ...maybe your style is more sophisticated now as compared to your earlier LO but its always been an interesting one :)

7 Virginia L. said...

All these layouts are amazing, Yvonne! You have made each page with such love! I adore the details and how you let the photos be the stars...and you captured the essence of the moments with your gorgeous style! Bravo!

8 Lizzy Hill said...

I do it for myself..but I suspect, as the Grand Kid...& hopefully others come along I'll be like you & start to speak to THEM, cos they're the ones that LOOOOVE checking themselves out & learning what they did when they were little.... but sometimes I just do it for ME!!!

9 Shahrul Niza said...

Ohh, your journaling journey has been a wonderful & colorful one, still is and always be, dearest!. It looks like I took that same road :). HUGS.

10 JulieJ said...

if DD read that she would say 'that's mean' about those unappreciated LOs. Thanks for sharing your journalling journey - I'm sure your nephews and nieces love their albums and it will be such a great way to embarrass them when they bring their girlfriends (boyfriend) to meet their favourite aunt!

11 SD pooja said...

Hey Yvonne ! Its interesting to read about your journaling journey ! I love the way you add fun moments n titles to your layout ! This is applicable to cards also,specially when making cards for our near n dear ones !

12 Unknown said...

I love this post!! So nice to see your scrapbooking journey.....evolving styles.....but always great layouts :0)

13 Sharon Fritchman said...

Absolutely awesome pages, Yvonne! You bring wonderful inspiration to us all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Im so glad i read this post! Im doing a smash album for my daughter and it has alot of journalling and its all written to her :-) i love that she will be able to read it when she is older and it will be like a whole book of letters just to her!
Your style is great now and then! I cringe at some of my earlier stuff!!!

15 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Makes me sad that your brother and his wife never said thanks :( BOO!! I loveeeeeeee your journaling journey -- I don't journal a lot ... I like to capture what I am feeling at the moment with the photo I am scrapping about... I loveeeeeeeeee all of these!!

16 sandi said...

These are fabulous! Each page so different, so sweet! <3!

17 Suman Pandit said...

this is a fabulous post Yvonne!! you have identified and addressed the concern behind every 'want to' scrapbook-er and really put things in perspective!! so nice to read about your 'journey'

18 Angi Barrs said...

I always love the wording on your pages. Fabulous!

19 Lisa said...

All of your layouts are absolutely gorgeous and so inspiring!! And what an awesome perspective on journaling...I need to remember that. I tend to just list the details when I scrapbook (which I haven't done in too long!!) Thanks for the inspiration!!

A Mermaid's Crafts

20 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

oh you make me chuckle....

21 Cindy deRosier said...

That is awesome. I love that you are scrapping for yourself, but that everyone can enjoy them as they please (and fight over them when you die). I've some journaling directed at Trevor (who will inherit my albums), but mostly I write ABOUT him rather than TO him. Maybe I should mix it up a bit more often.

22 Ella Swan said...

JUST the same as you!!! Finally we eventually work it all out for ourselves and arrive at some real and original sentiments prompted by our photos - it's a priceless gift to the subjects in the photo - a piece of your heart!!

23 Unknown said...

hey Yvonne!... I take scrap booking or LO like freezing a moment for can't talk but LO can talk bout's like freezin dat particular emotion with dat moment and I love all your LO always :)

24 Emily Keaton said...

Loved reading about your journaling has evolved, Yvonne!!

25 Tone-Lill said...

Sad to hear you never got a thank you. I'm making an album for my nephew on request from my sister, so I know all the hard work is appreciated. So good for you that you now is making The LO for you and your little sweet niece and nephhews.
I love the big journaling you have got here. Not very good to do joirnaling my self so thank you for sharing your valuable tips :) x

26 Rose said...

awesome layouts and i love all the fussy cutting on the first one :)

27 Keren Tamir said...

Amazing LOs and so true about the journaling. I sometimes wonder if my kids will even want my thousands of LOs that are too bulky to fit in albums so they go in boxes. Lol

28 Kirsty Vittetoe said...

What an awesome post, I really enjoy reading! Thanks for sharing your journaling journey.
Like you, my children will get the layout of their picture, and they will have to fight for the layout that has family photos when I die, LOL!
I used to just scrapbooked photo of people, I am stepping out of my comfort zone on doing photo of scenery and objects (still trying), but i have to admit that I am still shying away from journaling.

29 Audrey Pettit said...

My goodness, this post almost made me cry! What a beautiful journey you have been on, Yvonne! I always love your pages, and just love that you capture so many funny stories of your time with your nephews and niece. They are so lucky to have you........and I know you feel the same way, too!

30 Alice said...

i mostly wanted to remember what happened in the photos and/or that day. scrapbooking is really a wonderful way to preserve one's memory and i love your approach to it. awesome work, Yvonne and your niece and nephews are so lucky! =)

31 Dr Sonia S V said...

Yvonne How did I miss this post of yours? It is so meaningful to me. I had aspirations to scrapbook but so many things flummoxed me..choosing photos to print, how to match them with embellishments and of course the dreaded journalling!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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