
Wednesday - page from the gratitude journal


Today's page is an ode to the roasted meat at East Ocean Restaurant, a local Chinese restaurant. The texture and taste...just yummy! :)


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Tuesday - recent eye drawings


Getting back into arting again this week. Here are some of my recent eye drawings. :)


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Someone got a few Nanobags...*winks*


So this girl may or may not have gotten a few Nanobags at a recent sale. She bought 8 and got 7 free...*dramatic music plays in the background*

These are incredible light and strong reusable bags. The standard bag can hold up to 30kg and weighs like 50g. Best of all, it tucks right back into its own bag without any need to fold it properly. Check out the two premium ones I got...the ducks and the foxes. Super cute. I exercised restraint of course. This girl is an adult. *LOL*



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My grandma passed away

Hello friends. We lost grandma yesterday. Taking time off this week to celebrate her well-lived life with my extended family.

P/s: If you were wondering why my uncles and aunties have the surname Giam, it's because that's our actual family surname. But when they registered my dad's name, it was recorded wrongly and no one discovered the mistake because he went a Chinese school and never had to spell his name in English.


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The one where we went to Siloso Beach


I scored a full-day parking coupon at Sentosa Island in September so we went to Siloso Beach. Woohoo!

We went out early so that we could hit the beach before it got really hot.

There are 3 beaches on Sentosa Island and they are all lovely because....they are manmade! Yep, Singapore is mostly manufactured. *LOL*

Here we have the folks all ready to tackle the sun at the beach...okay, maybe just mum, dad had to borrow my sister's cap because he forgot his. *winks*

My sister and I both had F & B vouchers to spend so we had lunch at Shake Shack!:)

It was a lovely morning to enjoy the sea view while doing some grounding. :)

P/s: All my fun stickers came out to play! Yay!


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The week in eye drawings so far....

 Yes friends. New month. Let's get in more creative time! *high fives all around*

The week in eye drawings so looking pretty good. *winks*

Happy Wednesday friends!


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This week's double page spread from the gratitude journal


You can tell that my gratitude journal is getting fat! *winks*

This one features a double page spread of two different locations. The left page features the yummy treats at Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur's Club floor. Which incidentally was the last place I went to back in 2020 before the Covid lockdown.

The left page features a dish from a new-to-me restaurant that I discovered on this particular trip...only because the old faves shut down during the whole Covid situation. 


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The one about the visit to Chinese Garden


The other day we went to visit the Chinese Garden. It had been closed since 2019 for extensive renovations.

It recently opened with a fabulous Mid-Autumn Festival light up that was really beautiful (except I can't get good people photos because of all the bright lights).

Had to add in the little "dragon" from my CNY decor.

I was happy to be able to use my "oriental" stickers on the page...*winks*


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Friday's page from the gratitude journal - new art supplies!

New art supplies always make me happy! :)

Enjoy your weekend friends!



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3 eye drawings to share


Yep...3 eye drawings in 10 days is better than 1 eye drawing in 7 days right? *winks*

Still having fun with my fluorescent coloured pencils...can you tell?

Happy Thursday friends!


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Workspace Wednesday - gifts from Oz


Happy Wednesday friends! My cousin went o Melbourne and got me some sweet treats! :)


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Monday's page - the one about dinner at Ikea


So the other day we went to have dinner at Ikea after visiting grandma in hospital.

They had braised beef cheeks that night...*happy dance*

The four of us shared two servings of braised beef cheeks, 20 Swedish meatballs and 10 chicken wings. 

Having lots of fun with my word diecuts.

If you were wondering why you are seeing a single photo layout from me (does happen but quite rare), it's because it's the only one I took before the food got "attacked". *LOL*


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Thursday's desk - this week's decorated box

 Found another sturdy box and just had to decorate it of course...*winks*

Started with this lovely sturdy box which had a nice sheen and a gold edging.

Since I used a patterned paper base, I used a solid mat for my embellishment cluster to have a visual pop.

Happy Thursday friends!


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Another Tuesday, another page from the gratitude journal - homemade CNY baked treats


Happy Tuesday friends! Today's page from the gratitude journal is all about loving what you homemade CNY baked treats. :)

I've hardly had time to bake treats this year so working on this page reminded me of how I used to enjoy baking...and should probably get back to it. It's so easy to just buy something from the store. But there's something about making food from scratch that I really enjoy...*winks*


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