
Another overdone card...


It's becoming a habit. Really. Either my cards are really simple with a few elements or dramatically overdone with lots of texture and bling. *LOL*

I started with good intentions [obviously..*winks*]...

"Hmmm...how about a little Golden fiber paste with The Crafter's Workshop on watercolour paper? for a little white on white texture?"
"Nice. But that white on white is so subtle. It might not show up well when you photograph it..."
"Good point. I'll just add a little mist with shimmer...it will show up in the crevices and look pretty!"
"Eh...how about a little lace for a peek-a-boo effect?"
"Excellent idea!"
"Time to glue down the patterned papers...but wait, I think some mica flakes would add a little more in-your-face kind of shimmer..."
" Okay, let's do an embellishment cluster. The usual...bloom, pearls, leaf. Then I think we're done."
"There's no space for the sentiment!" *groans*
"I'll just write it with a pen. " *disaster averted*
"Okay, I think it's done...or should I add something else?"
"Hmmm...crackle accents on the image?"
"Damn...it's not crackling and there are 2 air bubbles! It's going to look terrible!" *dramatic music plays in the background*
" Okay, I'll add some bling to distract from the failed crackling."

A few hours later, the crackles started to appear! *triumphant music plays in the background!*

I cut the paper to size, distressed the edges and adhered it to a light yellow card base. Another overdone card in my card pile! :)


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1 Suman Pandit said...

definitely not overdone...thanks Yvonne for sharing the conversation with self, I am really confused about what I love more, the card or your creative writing :) hugs

2 Lynn said...

Not overdone...well done! I love all the extras especially the crackle effect. The card is really, really pretty.

3 SD pooja said...

Ya Suman is right !! Not at all overdone ,it has lots of open space which beautifully complimented with the image n floral cluster ! I am totally loving it !

4 Lizzyc said...

Well I do not think Nik your card is overdone at all.. It is very pretty!

5 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Hehehehe ... sounds like conversations I have all the time! LOL! I loveeeeeeeeee this! Looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 StirYourCreativity said...

Beautiful card. I love the colors and the lace, photo, pearl look so amazing.

7 Hussena said...

It's definitely not overdone, Yvonne. I love the way you cluster your embellishments. It's such a pretty card.

8 Lisa said...

Totally not overdone...it's stunning!! The texture is amazing!! I just want to reach out and touch it!! Gorgeous card my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

9 Cindy deRosier said...


10 Lizzy Hill said...

Great commentary there! Love your thought process. Damned crackle....how DARE it give you a fright like that?!!! And there are certainly a few elements here...but hey! Why not??!!! Looks lovely and deffo not 'overdone'!!!

11 Audrey Pettit said...

Haha, omgosh, you make me laugh! Love how you captured the entire crafty progression on your card. I think it turned out absolutely amazing! Not in the least "overdone" in my opinion... just beautifully brilliant!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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