
This is why I can get my cards done in 5 minutes...


Whenever I get new dies from Maya Road, I tend to grab my paper scraps and my die-cutting machine...and spend the next few hours "in the zone". *winks*

Since I'm the lazy sort who will not get my die-cutting machine out every single time I need a die-cut, this is the best way for me. :)

I also have my card bases cut out, scored and within easy reach.

This is why I can get my cards done in 5 minutes...[my butt doesn't leave the chair! *LOL*]


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1 Shelly said...

Love this!!
And HA! my butt doesn't leave my chair much either...especially since I bought a chair with wheels. ;) However, I'm so clumsy that I've actually ran over my toes a few times. (I'm sure it won't be the last time, either.) lol

2 Cindy deRosier said...


3 Lisa said...

I could have all the supplies in front of me and I still couldn't put together a card this beautiful in five minutes!! Love it!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Sudha said...

Pretty..Luv this..


5 Annette Allen said...

awesome card.. i love that little tag.. good thing you never left your chair.. lol

6 Nielouphar (Neelu) said...

That's a very productive way to craft! Lovely card

7 SD pooja said...

Ditto as Lisa said ! Not every one can whip up card in 5 mins! Good tip to save time :)

8 Lizzyc said...

Fantastic card, love the colors.. And that is clever time saving tips!

9 Lizzy Hill said...

I know I keep saying it....but you are one CLEVER CRAFTER!!! I love that 'new' die you've got & good on you being so organised!!! LOVE the card, too:):)

10 Suman Pandit said...

so cool Yvonne !! you have the knack !!

11 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

HA! I am the same way! 5 minutes and done! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeee this! LOVING the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 Hussena said...

Wow, your card is so fabulous, Yvonne. Like Lisa said, I can have all the supplies in front of me and still not be able to do anything in five minutes.LOL! I love how you can create quick cards like these and still end up with beautiful results every time :)

13 StirYourCreativity said...

That is a very striking card. Loved all the elements in it.

14 Audrey Pettit said...

That is such a great idea, Yvonne! And what a time saver! Love your card. You put together the coolest stuff!

15 Dr Sonia S V said...

Simple and stylish Yvonne
Dr Sonia

16 HappyMomentzz by Sharada Dilip said...

This is awesome and love your quick cards ! Thanks for the tip

17 Karen P said...

I do that too and it's great to hear that someone else does, lol! When I have won or purchased a new die or when I have a big pile of snippets I die cut until they are gone. I also sort them into clear wallets ready and waiting for me to feel or get more creative. Love your card! Karen x

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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