
Four happy minutes

Four happy minutes

These were some of the photos of my three nephews taken in four happy minutes...:) It was a hilarious shoot...which totally warrants a two-page spread... for this page, I used the sketch from this month's challenge at Scrap It Lah....using my Graphic 45 scraps and a whole lot of handstitching!

I'll show you the second page tomorrow....I used the same papers but used a different sketch (who says two-pagers need to be from a single sketch? ) Happy Tuesday! :)

P/s: I'm out of the country and experiencing really slow internet access :( I will get to visiting your blogs in a few days!

*Edited* I won the challenge at Scrap It Lah! :) Pin It


1 Dora said...

O...wow I love that paper you used, and that you used it with modern pictures, very pretty and love the picture so sweet!

2 Laurel said...

My gosh that is so adorable! I just love the layout and the pics!

3 ~amy~ said...

CUTE...I love the youngest...his legs are tooooo sweet:)

4 Margaret said...

Lovely LO and paper. I should buy some Graphic 45, I love vintage.
What adorable kiddies you have, they 're so sweet. And like Amy said... you gotta love those chubby baby legs with dimples! Wish I could carry them off so well :)

5 Sparkplug17 said...

Those boys are just darling! What a cute layout.

6 MirjamC said...

the pictures are soooo cute!!!love the papers, beautiful page!!!

7 laterg8r said...

love the contrasting stitching :D

great title too :D

8 Chowchow said...

Thank for you for submitting such a gorgeous layout! We hope that you will continue your support to SIL and we look forward to receiving more beautiful contributions from you.


9 BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

SO so cute! My lil' sis crafts for me as I'm challenged in that area. Ah ha

10 Juhi said...

this is gorgeous, love the colors and the hand stitching!!

11 Jessy Christopher said...

Oh wow!! That is one beautiful layout and all those stitching is awesome. The colors just pop!! Thanks for playing along at SIL :)

12 Aimeslee Winans said...

Love it, Yvonne! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful and it fitts the other page so well!Awesome to use different sketches for a two pager!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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