
Tuesday's page from the gratitude journal- H&M homeware


This week's page from the gratitude journal features my H&M homeware haul - I bought 2 wood trays and 2 aprons. The oval one now is a dedicated tray holding my Nespresso machine (I used it as a coloured pencil tray for a while) while the round one sits on my desk as a holder for random stuff. As for the aprons, I am not using any at the moment because it's been too hot. I have to cook in the kitchen with a neck fan (a little comical if you can picture it) so no additional "clothing" to add to the heat. *LOL*

P/s: What is your weather like?


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Cute page, but... there's no natural growth or skill-learning after 35?! I became a mom at 34 and I've done nothing but learn and grow ever since.

Our weather has been perfect. About 80°F, blue skies, gentle wind. I've done a ton of work in the garden this week.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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