
This week's eye sketch


Hello friends! This week I went back to basics and played with my graphites for this eye sketch. I did "cheat" a little by using a black Faber Castell Polychromo coloured pencil for the darkest value (huge time-saver!). 

Here are the supplies I used for this eye sketch (minus the tissue paper I used for blending..*winks*).

I started by lightly sketching the eye with a HB pencil, then I went in with the black coloured pencil to lay down all my dark values. After that I did tonal shading with the 4B and 6B graphite pencils, blending with a tissue paper and the fine-point eraser. I finished by adding in the white highlights with a variety of supplies (different degrees of "whiteness").

P/s: Everybody can draw! Just pick up a pencil and give it a go!


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wow!!! Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 SD pooja said...

Everybody can draw but not like you !! It's real eye...

3 Lisa said...

Absolutely stunning!! I could never, ever draw like this!! So gorgeous!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Audrey Pettit said...

My goodness, you are just amazing!

5 Cindy deRosier said...

Everyone can draw, but it takes a lot of practice to achieve realism. I'm pretty darn good at trees, but I've never practiced eyeballs and know that I couldn't do this without a lot of practice.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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