
Help me pick a wall colour!

So, I have had this accent wall colour in my room for a while now. The original paint colour has lost its lustre and it's time for a new coat of paint. The lazy person in me thinks I should just paint it the same colour and just one coat of paint should do the trick, right? *winks*

The creative person in me says that it's time for a change...maybe go a little softer?

Now since blue is my fave colour,  I find myself naturally navigating to the blue colour family. I'm leaning towards Wildflower Wind and Elise.

But since I'm opting for a change, why not change colour families? Pink is such a soft and sweet colour ...and will be such a nice complexion enhancer right? *high fives Julie*...:)

Here's a look at said wall with my creative space in the mix.

The rest of the room is white - the ceilings and built-in cabinets. The two lamps by each of the bedside are clear polycarbonate and I have a chandelier above the bed. The furniture pieces are natural wood.

So let me hear your thoughts....which blue or pink would you choose? Help me pick a wall colour!


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1 Lizzy Hill said...

Wildflower Wind or Fashionable pink.... personally, being a blue girl I'd stick with that..... GOOOD LUCK.....!!!

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

*returns high five* ;) You KNOW I would LOVE to lean TOWARDS my signature color of pink.... HOWEVER, I am thinking that with your pillows (what I can see), the art pieces, the wood accents and the chandelier... I am REALLY leaning towards Pure Periwinkle!!!! :)

3 SD pooja said...

I really such at choosing wall colors..rather than going too girly with pink family wildflower wind will be good.

4 Lisa said...

Though pink is my favorite color, I think I would stick with's soothing :) My eye leans towards Prelude Blue but I love the aqua tone of Blue Streak, too :) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 Cindy deRosier said...

I'd pick Elise!

6 Mitralee said...

I think you should get really bold and run with one of those turquoise colors! ;-)

7 Audrey Pettit said...

Ohhh, such a hard choice! My eye keeps seeing the pops of turquoise color on your art wall, and I think an accent wall in those tones would look amazing!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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