
The one about the Cookies N Cream cake


For nephew #3's birthday, I decided to bake a Cookies N Cream cake. It was my first time trying out a recipe in a cookbook [I usually use recipes off the internet and read the comments to adjust the recipes accordingly which has worked pretty well for me.] It appeared simple enough in theory but was really designed to frustrate a novice baker [aka me]. 

It took me 3x as long to make the cake than what was written in the recipe. Ingredients that were listed were not written in the steps. The cake batter looked nothing like the "creamy and well-incorporated" description. And of course, family members who kept asking when the cake would be ready, did not help matters. *LOL*

I had to improvise of course. I went with a two-layer cake instead of three, a less-fattening cream cheese frosting and "rustic" cake decor [Okay, I ran out of Oreos...*winks*].

Yep, my cake looked nothing like the photo in the book. But the nephews said that mine looked nicer and you know, kids don't lie, right? [hahahahaha]. Seriously though, nephew #3 could not keep his eyes off the cake!:)

I think it looks pretty decent for my first layered cake + frosting attempt. Be kind. ;) Nephew #2 now wants this cake for his birthday too. 

If you were wondering what happened to my niece...she threw a tantrum just as we were cutting the cake and was hiding under the table....yeah, drama.

Another fun layout using those infamous Basic Grey birds, some Stickles action and even a Martha Stewart punch came to the party. ;)

I was determined to use this piece of twine in my scrap pile and "attacked" it with my stapler to keep it down...hehe. And of course, buttons. I use them a lot, have you noticed?

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches.


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Hehehehe .... I feel your pain! My mom wanted a STRAWBERRY cake one year for her b-day ... and I attempted a layered cake ... oy!!! What an epic fail! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this lo! So fun and loving the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!! And at least you documented where the niece was during the photo op! LOL!!!!

2 Lisa said...

Heehee, I'm laughing at your post!! But oh my gosh, that cake looks amazing!! I want you to bake one for my birthday, too!! Yum!! And I was wondering about your adorable niece ;) Your layout is amazing as always!! The layers and colors are spectacular!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

3 Natsuko said...

Both the layout and cake looks absolutely perfect!I do want to have a little!Thank you for joining us at Stuck?!Sketches!

4 Mitralee said...

Hey that is awesomeness that cake! ROCK STAR you for giving it a whirl! Glad your nephew loved it!! HUGS!

5 Cindy deRosier said...

It looks fantastic! I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that you've never used a cookbook before. I'm SO OLD! LOL! Online recipes weren't even an option until I was in my 20's and I don't think I used them until my 30's!

6 Sandy Ross said...

I just love your story as much as your layout. Great combination of fun items in your embellie clusters. One year my sister baked a homemade cake for our Mom's birthday. None of us got to eat it as my brother in law dropped it while carrying it...tee hee! Nephew #2 is going to love his cake too! Thanks for playing along with Stuck?! Sketches!!!

7 LisaM said...

The cake looks yummy! Love your mix of papers on this fun page. Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

8 Laura Creates said...

Gorgeous layering and use of pattern! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

9 Audrey Pettit said...

Your layout is fabulous, Yvonne, and I so love your stories! I think your cake turned out perfect, and I'm sure the gangsta gang would agree! I keep looking at those title letters and am loving the shine on them! Is that the Stickles? Looks amazing, and I adore the little bird. Definitely going to miss them when you run out!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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