
The redone canvas


I don't always like my completed artwork. About 99% of the time that is. Really. *winks*
Most of the time, I think it's an okay project...and then I cross my fingers that it photographs better than it looks to me. 

Lace canvas
Anyway, this particular canvas has been bugging me since 2013. It looks okay in the photo but the Silk Acrylic glaze colours started to bleed out after a while and it turned into this yucky purplish magenta hue. And I never really liked the word stickers I added. 

So I decided that I could wince every time I walked past my gallery wall or do something about it. 

I added some fiber paste to create a little more texture to the canvas, then painted it with two coats of white gesso. 

Once the gesso was dry, I added some Liquitex inks and manipulated the colours with a spray bottle filled with water.

Once I was happy with the colours, I finished off with a pearlescent mist for a subtle all-over sheen.

I like it a lot better now. I think.? *LOL*

Happy week ahead friends!


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1 Lizzyc said...

I like both colors!! love how the lace looks..

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You are so funny!! The redo looks amazing! LOVING the new layers and textures you added!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Lisa said...

The original is gorgeous and the redo is stunning!! I love them both!! Amazing texture and beautiful colors!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Karenliz Henderson said...

Love the redo. I do that all the time. Gesso to the rescue!!!

5 Cindy deRosier said...

I'm not sure if I prefer the before or after - they both have their merits. But I'm a big proponent of reworking something if it bugs you every time you see it.

6 Mitralee said...


Oh my.

Good luck with that. I'm always tweaking things. ALWAYS. This post just made me extremely happy and understood! Hugs!

7 Lizzy Hill said...

Yup, I'm with you...... nothing like a change. Especially with something you've never been THAT happy with:) You know I do this, too, of course! I really like the purples [HAH! Can't BELIEVE I'm saying that!!!]'s got more depth....the other is pretty and really gorg shabby chic....but then, I think we ourselves change a bit in what we like at a particular point in that's reflected in our creating..... end of this sermon ;) !!!!!!!!!!!

8 Audrey Pettit said...

Omgoodness, you are so hard on yourself! I think your canvas projects are always amazing! This is SO cool! LOVE the whole secret garden feel to this!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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