
The cost of messing around...with a finished project *winks*


The other day, I picked up this "open" wood sign from my local Daiso store and thought I could make it look a lot prettier with some Maya Road embellishments. :)

I chose some Maya Road embellishments, fiddled with the placement of them a little and then proceeded to adhere them all down with a hot glue gun. All done in 10 minutes.Whoa! I was happy.

Of course, days later, when I was about to photograph my project, it just looked way too plain. Like it needed MORE

I spied some lace that I just cut out from an old bra [I did an Amazon bra spree recently and had to purge the same number of brassieres I purchased to avoid massive overload in the undergarment drawer...come on, you understand right? *LOL*] and thought I should add that for a little more visual interest.

It might not have been such a great idea since it took ages to glue it all down and then trim along the letters. So a 10-minute project took over an hour! That's the cost of messing around with a finished project. Now, I think the lace is a little too much texture!  *LOL*

This project was created for Maya Road and first appeared on the Maya Road Design Team blog.


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Hehehehe ... everyone does that with their bras, right?!?!? LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!! Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 SD pooja said...

Ha..happens with most of us..never satisfied with plain look n then spend lot more time on it just to think previous plain was good ! I loved the texture on letters!

3 Karen P said...

I never thought of doing that to a bra but I will try it now, thanks for the tip lol!

As for the fiddling because it's not quite right I've lost count of the beautiful projects that weren't beautiful after I fussied them lol! Love that deer, so very cute! xx

4 Lisa said...

Definitely not too much texture...it's stunning!! I love the lace!! It looks like it was a beautiful bra...I would've had a hard time cutting it up (which is why my undergarment drawer is so full, I have to shove it closed with both hands and a hip ;) This is spectacular my friend!! Love the beautiful flowers, too!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 msmith434343 said...

So pretty, Yvonne!! I love the soft colors and that little fawn - aww! Great use for your old bras!! :) :)

6 Mitralee said...

see posts like this cheer me up! Love that you redid it after it was done because that is what I would do! Awesomeness and love your embellishments!

7 Lynn said...

I like the lacy letters....made me want to touch it....hey someone make an app so I can touch Yvonne's pretty projects! 10 minutes or an hour it doesn't really matter if the end result is gorgeous.

8 Lizzy Hill said...

I so love that you keep playing with things once they're finished!!! It looks super duper. I like more interest stuff than plain stuff, myself. And I did notice this sign in the pic of your desk on Insta!!!

9 Audrey Pettit said...

Haha, you do make me laugh! But I can relate..... I think something is finished until I step back and look again another day... :) But seriously, this is just adorable, and so much fun. I love the lace and pearl trim along the bottom. And that little deer just makes me smile!

10 Karon said...


11 Lynn said...

I can't decide between #7 and #9. They are both so pretty, eye-catching, funky, and useful. Because of you, 2017 will be the year I WILL try to make use of the stuff I hoard for someday-crafting.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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