
If I can draw, you can too!

"Drawing is like taking a line for a walk."  Paul Klee 
And these walks, I must say, are very enjoyable. Frustrating at times but always rewarding.

When I started drawing a few months ago, I was rather apprehensive about how it would turn out. The two years of compulsory art back in school didn't instill confidence as I recalled how my still life turned out. The only reason why I still got an 'A' was because I had the option to do manuscript writing in the final examination. Apparently, my penmanship was much better than my apple drawing skills! *LOL*

The thing is that we assume that a drawing needs to be realistic. Let go of that idea and start drawing! I can get realism from a photo so I'm going whimsical in my drawings! *winks*

I drew this girl on an 8x10 canvas panel and painted her with a mix of acrylic paints, inks, coloured pencils and gelatos. The background was created with a napkin and matte medium. I added some vintage curtain material as part of my girl's blouse.

Playing along with ARTastic challenge.


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1 Suman Pandit said...

I love the way you do eyes Yvonne !! I have started sketching but my colouring did not turn out well...very flat no depth :( also love how you incorporate fabric in your work !!

2 Jane said...

A lovely canvas Yvonne and I love how you created your background. Thank you for sharing with us on ARTastic.

3 Dolly B said...

Wow ! fabulous work . Nothing wrong with your drawing girl, she is beautiful
Thank you for sharing with us at ARTastic

4 lavina agarwal said...

Wow she's a stunner! Love get sharp looks..lovely coloring

5 Deb said...

I love your girl, Yvonne. The added fabric for her blouse looks fabulous as does the background you have created for her. Thanks for joining in with us at ARTastic.

6 Ujjwal said...

This is really pretty Y. and I totally agree with you. Everybody can draw in their own capacity and it is so satisfying :)

7 Lizzy Hill said...

It just goes to show if you stick with something, really give your best and keep practising, you just keep getting better and better. I soooo admire your drawing. You really are inspiring! And this girl is fabulous - love the white lines running through her hair & those eyes! Amazing..... & the vintage feel works really well for our ARTastic challenge....THANK YOU for joining in:):)

8 Lizzyc said...

She is beautiful! Thank you for continuing to draw... We get to see your masterpieces now!

9 Sindhu said...

She looks the usage of fabric...

10 Lynn said...

Really amazing to watch your evolution of drawing the 'face'. You are truly becoming a master. I love all the extras you add to the canvas to make the art unique to you. Your lady paintings make me happy. Thanks!

11 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wow wow wow!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS! LOVING how you did her collar and her eyes are beautiful!!!!!!!

12 Audrey Pettit said...

OMGosh, she is SO fantastic, Yvonne! You capture the most amazing catch-lights in the eyes and I love the white highlights in her hair and the fabulous ruffled fabric at her neckline. Totally digging your napkin background, too! Wow!!

13 Denise Price said...

I love how you used upcycled fabric for the lady's blouse! I hope you keep on enjoying drawing.

14 Lisa said...

She's absolutely gorgeous!! I wish I could draw like you!! I love her pretty eyes and the dimension you added with the collar!! This is fabulous my friend!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

15 Cindy deRosier said...

So jealous that art was mandatory in your education. We had one semester of art in 6th grade, then it became an elective that I could never take because it conflicted with the foreign language, advanced sciences, etc. that were required for college admission. :(

16 Annette Allen said...

wow totally amazing.. a true artist..

17 Sharon Fritchman said...

She is beautiful! Your canvas is a gorgeous work of art, Yvonne! I have taken some drawing courses and it is great that you are giving us encouragement, too!

18 Jo said...

A lovely and unique take on the challenge. You are very talented! Thanks for joining in at ARTastic :)

19 Unknown said...

Lovely canvas Yvonne and a very unique take on the challenge. Thanks for joining in at ARTastic.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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