
A mid-week boost! :)

Congrats card

How about a happy burst of colours for a mid-week boost? I had some hardware issues at the beginning of the week and I'm so glad my laptop's back! Yay!:)

A little fun with mists, crepe paper and Sharpies!:)

Supplies: Echo Park Paper, Heidi Swapp alphas, Maya Mists, ribbon, crepe paper, bling.

P/s: Don't forget about my guest Angi's gifting challenge! :)

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1 Hussena said...

i just love this burst of color so so pretty.

2 Sudha said...

So colorful n cheerful.

3 ~amy~ said...

Such a fun card...6x6, eh?! Love the bloom!

4 Sherry Eckblad said...

that card just makes me smile! Love the bright colors.

5 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhh I am loving the bright happy colors! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

6 Kishley (Dolly Sapra) said...

Awesome card!!! Love the colors!! & i love that blingy Indian flower!!

7 Indy's Designs said...

Bright, cheerful, festive--love it!

8 Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Bright and happy colors, mists and bloom, aren't they fun to play with? Simply Delightful!!!!

9 Isha Gupta said...

Gorgeous card Yvonne. Love all the color splatter.

10 Blossom inch said...

beautiful many things to see...haven't been here for about a week and look at you...everyday with new entry and so much to share!

11 said...

Definitely fun! What a great way to use the crepe paper. (I never did get around to doing that challenge...hmmm)

12 Linda Breedlove said...

Sorry for your hardware woes... I'm eagerly awaiting a new mouse to be delivered. Can hardly do anything right till it comes.
Love your card with the mist splatters... so colorful and pretty!

13 Rajaa said...

wow...coooool. colourful card.
Congrats to U

14 Karen B. said...

ahhh, this is so colorful and fun!

15 Lynnda said...

True colors!!! fUN AND Fabulous card Yvonne... good news its fixed...and you're back on track.... hugs...xoxo

16 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

Love the spot of color on a mostly white card....

17 Angi Barrs said...

This is sooooo fun! Love the splash of colors. :)

18 Deepti Aggarwal said...

Beautiful CAS CArd.. love the rainbow colors..

19 Alice said...

LOVE the splashes of colors. so pretty and cheery. fabulous card, Yvonne!

20 Spardha said...

fab!!.. love the bright colours!.. super cheerful!
YAY for the laptop! :)

21 Ella Swan said...

Love this striking card - great mid week boost!!

22 Sharm Nidyanandan said...

such a fun, cheerful card! :)

23 RiNNE said...

You are so artsy! Luv it!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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