
Cardio withdrawal is making me sad! :(

Hello girl with skipping rope

Ahhh..going through a severe cardio withdrawal right now...Day Four without my feel-good endorphins is making me seriously sad...terrible cold begone! Between tearing and sniffing, I did managed to whip up this card though...can't wait till I can jump rope again! *LOL*

A little wrapping tissue and trim for some texture.

Burlap, ribbon tab and chipboard frame. A little ink and tracing wheel action along the edges.

I used the sketch at CPS.

Send me some sweet thoughts to chase the nasty cold away?

Supplies: (from Your Scrapbook Stash) Crate Paper chipboard, sticker and papers, Others: burlap, twine, trim, wrapping tissue, button, brown pen.

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1 Mitralee said...

Feel better soon!!! Cardio withdrawal and colds are miserable! Sweet card!

2 Karen B. said...

I hope you feel better soon and glad to see that the nasty cold didn't interfere with your spectacular card making skills.

3 Laurel said...

Adorable card, love that Crate Paper!

hope that you feel better soon.

4 Lynnda said...

Oh you poor thing... hope you will get better soon... love your card its gorgeous...I love it... Take care... thinking of you... hugs...xoxo

5 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

Hope you feel better, how do you get a cold when it's so warm in Singapore? (J/k).

6 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I hope you feel better soon! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that card! LOVING the way you used the frame!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

7 Piali said...

OOH!!! Sending lots of healing hugs your way!! Feel better soooooooooon!
Adorable the mix of elements!

8 RiNNE said...

I hope you feel better soon and that you and your endorphins re-unite as well! Pretty card!

9 TesaB said...

So sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you get better real soon.Sending happy thoughts and cyber hugs your way. Your card is absolutly DARLING!!!!

10 Hussena said...

awwwww hope u feel well soon, here's sending u some happy thoughts and loads of hugs.your card is lovely as usual.
hope u have a good day:):)

11 Shalini said...

hope u r feeling super good very very soon!!! Sending a BIIIIG warm hug your way Yvonne... get well soon:)

12 Ujjwal said...

Awee...hope you feel better soon! Sending lots of happy thoughts!

13 Angela Toucan said...

hope you feel better soon, gorgeous card

14 papertrails leaver said...

Sweet thoughts and wishes to feel ether soon! Your cad is fab! Love how you mix elements! AlwAys clever! :-) Amy

15 Lea said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!!! This card is fantastic! Love the little girl and what you did with the frame!

16 Maggi said...

Sorry you're still feeling bad! Wish I had cardio withdrawl, lol. The card is very sweet, look at you still creating while feeling so yucky. Feel better soon!

17 Linda Breedlove said...

Ohhh so cute... love the little girl jumping rope!
Hope you feel better quickly!

18 ~amy~ said...

awww...I hope that you feel better soon...colds are thee worst, eh? I adore your Crate Goodness card...soooo CUTE.

19 farmhouse-story said...

very sweet, yvonne! hope you feel better very soon--you don't lose your mojo when your sick--thats a good thing:)

20 Jocelyn Olson said...

I'm sending good thoughts your way to chase away your cold. :) Your card is hilarious--love that little girl jumping rope. Your work is so awesome, Yvonne!

21 Janice said...

Love all the texture. Hope you are better real soon.

22 Casey Wright said...

Lovely card! Feel better soon!

23 Angi Barrs said...

This is so super sweet. Makes me want to jumprope. Love the burlap.

Sending hugs your way. Drink some hot tea with honey. Hope you feel better soon. :)

24 Romina Nahata said...

hmmm...too bad u r down :(get well soon hun !!wishing u lots of happy thoughts & hugs !!

25 Ella Swan said...

Aaaw so sorry that you have been sick sweetie! But, hey, you made a pretty card?! Take lots of vitamin C & try to put down your scissors for a while until you are back to full health ok?! Love your use of tissue paper here - very nice!

26 Audrey Pettit said...

Oh, bummer! So sorry you've been sick, Yvonne! Hope you feel better soon. Love your sweet little card! Such awesome texture and depth here. I just love the framework and how you did your sentiment, and that little girl is so cute.

27 Alice said...

hope you feel better soon. it's amazing that you can still make beautiful cards like this when you are not feeling well! love the layering of elements once again. so beautifully balanced! love it! gotta go fine me some burlap to play with! =) take care. sending you big hugs!

28 Blossom inch said...

i really hope you are better now...your card is beautiful babe.

29 Melanie - The Paper Retreat said...

I completely love this card! It feels so organic to me and I love the vintage art you used! Beautiful! I hope you feel better soon! Melanie

30 Erum Tasneem said...

gorgeous!! hope you feel better soon!

31 Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better now....Trust you to upcycle a Baskin and Robbin spoon....very clever and very beautiful...thanks for sharing this idea

32 Spardha said...

awww!.. hope you are feeling better now.. :)
the card is adorable!.. love all the texture! :)

33 Rose said...

OK even sick you can still make an adorable card! you rock girl :)

34 Maria Matter said...

totally adorable, love the fun elements you used!
Hope you're feeling better!

35 sandi said...

Wow! What a super cute card! Love everything that you've done here...put together so well! :)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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