

Your bubbly face

My littlest nephew J, on his good days (see Dark side), has such bubbly charm. For some strange reason, he's always really happy when he's in my room [Could be because I have a basket full of toys next to my bed.]...the first thing he points to is my chandelier and then he starts giggling...:)

A really simple layout. I used the sketch from Creative Scrappers. A little misting. And bits from Basic Grey, Cosmo Cricket, Sassafras, 7 Gypsies and Fancy Pants. Title work was done with American Crafts stickers and doodling with a white pen. 

This morning, I got an email from Julie Elak, my guest blogger who hosted the 3D creation challenge. She was very impressed with the quality of the entries that she has decided to pick a runner-up for the challenge! How sweet right? I have THE nicest bloggy pals! :)

So, here's the runner-up (randomly selected)...

Congratulations! You've won a template from Perfect Presentation!:)

P/s: I would love for you to play with the current handmade flowers challenge by guest blogger Sherryann Eckblad! :)

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1 Laurel said...

This is adorable, I just love how you use mist!

2 ~amy~ said...

Hey...woot wootie woot how fun is that??!!!!!!! Okay, okay...back to your fabbie layout...such a cutie pie the misting, the scallops and the poms!!!

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Woot Woot!! AMY T! :):):):):):):) I love love love that lo!! Perfect title and loveeeeeeeeeeee the misting and the pompoms! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

4 Dora said...

This is absloutely gorgeous!

5 Miss Marple said...

I once again love your LO. Thank you for the link! I will need loads of sketches soon (??? ;-)???)Have a wonderfull day - Irma

6 papertrails leaver said...

Love this! I like the pom pom you used to line the right edge of the picture. Fun fun fun!

7 said...

You're the best!
Fantastic LO - the spray, the mix of elements, all good!

8 Spardha said...

awwee.. he's soo cute!.. love the layput!.. the jouraling looks great! :)
congrats amy! :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous layout Yvonne! Love the orange ribbon, and the "simple" background makes the photo pop off the page! The title work is just great!!!

10 laterg8r said...

love the splash of orange on this - too cute :D

11 Sherry Eckblad said...

Another fabulous layout of your cute nephew J.

12 RiNNE said...

So very cute! Both the pic and the page! Love the tag and the ribbon down the middle!

13 RiNNE said...
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14 RiNNE said...
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15 Lynnda said...

Yvonne... that layout is so cute.... love the simplicity too... and thr cute picca... xx

woot woot Amy T.... congrats.....xoxo

16 Blossom inch said...

I love the misting and this is nicely done...

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I'm in love with your layout! Those colors are beautiful!
Loving your title, the angle and that adorable pom pom.
Way cool!!

18 Smita said...

Lovely misting... And I adore the pom pom and the buttons :-)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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