


Monstrosity...of the cute kind! :) My first "engineered" photo shoot gone awry...I love the expressions on my nephews' faces...:)

I love these Sassafras monsters (if you don't know by now *LOL*)'s amazing how much mileage you get when you fussy cut the patterned paper (I never buy more than 1 sheet per design)..Brads are from Basic Grey, American Crafts chipboard, some stickles and handstitching.

Inspired by Creative Scrappers.
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1 Keith said...

That's really cool. I like it. Hope you're doing well. Take care. Cheers!

2 debra@dustjacket said...

Oh your models are hysterical.

I just adore the little Sassafras monsters.

3 Smita said...

You make me feel like giving Scrapping a try ;-) Lovely again...

Thank you for visiting my blog.


4 ~amy~ said...

love, love, love your sassy layout!

Anonymous said...

So freakin awesome Yvonne!LOve your design and all the cut up Sass papers!Totally love this!

6 Dora said...

I love all the white, it makes it fresh your hand stitching is great, and those images of the fun and cute!

7 Laurel said...

OMG, cute, cute, cute!

8 Maggi said...

Awesome! You've done an amazing job with these little monsters! (I mean the paper ones, lol)

9 MirjamC said...

great lo, so cute and i love the sassafras monsters!!!

10 Aya Smith said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! I love the layout, details and colors... it's even inspiring towards graphic design! Wonderful work :))

11 theneon said...

Darling -- and great little "monsters" -- the nephews on the other hand, are adorable.

12 GMG said...

Hi Yvonne! Amazing creations you have here! A delight for sight!!!

Blogtrotter is firmly back to an amazing building... ;)). Enjoy and have a great week!

cindy said...

LOL! i love that pic so much! they're quite the cute little guys!

i would love to be comfortable enough with scrapbooking to work with some of my sons photos, but i don't think that is the case yet. but seeing your work always makes me want to go ahead and give it a whirl!

14 Denise said...

This is super cute@!! Such an adorable layout and pic!!!! Love this one!!!!!

15 Mazlina said...

WOW.. what a fun layout yvonne! I love it!!

16 laterg8r said...

love those monsters and the patterned paper LOL!!! great fussy cutting, i have some of these papers but haven't gotten to them yet, now i want to!!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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