


This week's challenge at Scrapping Out Loud is a recipe challenge...the ingredients are 3 circles, 1 picture, 5 buttons, scallops and 1 heart. My layout 3.10.9 features an awkwardly composed shot of my three nephews...(I'm still searching for the elusive perfect shot)..okay, so not everyone's looking at the camera but at least everybody's happy...could be the prospect of eating cake (always a happy moment *LOL*) but this shot captures the typical "craziness" when the kids stay over.

So I tried my best to stick strictly to the recipe...1 picture, 5 buttons, scallops (sort of...more like waves actually), 3 circles (I used 3 puffy round stickers...small grey ones at the bottom of the journaling panel), 1 heart (incorporated in my journaling). And a whole lot of handstitching for the panels...totally necessary because this layout was assembled totally from scraps (some serious overlapping sections at the back)...which sort of explains the weird combination of patterned papers (the fishes and the monsters). *LOL* :)

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1 Dora said...

I love the images you used so colorful! And love the puictures! Great lo!

2 Laurel said...

Love it! So bright, I like that.

3 Keith said...

That looks great. Very good work. Hope you'll have a wonderful day. Cheers!

4 Jess said...

i think this pg. is so awesome..i love the all the stitching...love the different papers, the monsters..love it all..lol..have a great week yvonne!

5 Gladie said...

Love it! So fun with the bright colors and the cute monsters :D

6 Spardha said...

lovely layout!.. i luv teh organized luk da buttons give straight in a line! :)

7 Spardha said...

lovely layout!.. i luv teh organized luk da buttons give straight in a line! :)

8 MirjamC said...

FUN page!!!love the stitching and the monsters and such a happy picture:)
(ps...you're right, cardmaking is so much fun!)

9 ~amy~ said...

sooooo monsta-licious!

10 laterg8r said...

i love the fish and the monsters - you made it WORK :D

Anonymous said...

LOve your mix of papers..so gorgeous!Those fishies and monsters look so good together!
Great recipe...love how you icorporated the ingredients on your LO!Very creative!
Love this one too Yvonne..like always!

12 Duchess of Tea said...

Hello my darling, how is my favourite blogger, I hope life is treating you marvelously. Mine was a bit topsy turvy of late as you know, but is slowly returning to normal. I thank you for checking in on me and for the sweet comment you left behind, you are a dear friend. I am now off to see what I missed on your blog.

Take care
Love & Hugs

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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