
Current obsession: Sennelier Oil Pastels

My current obsession are these yummy Sennelier Oil Pastels. These small sticks of pure pigment and wax are super creamy and blendable. 


The story behind these oil pastel was that back in 1949, Parisian painter Henri Goetz approached Sennelier, a famous artist materials manufacturer, about creating a wax colour stick for his friend, Pablo Picasso. Picasso was interested in a medium that could used on a variety of surfaces without fading or cracking. The successful collaboration produced the Sennelier Oil Pastels.

I reach for these whenever I want to do a quick sketch in my art journal.

    I would love to collect all 120 colours in the Sennelier collection. I only have a measly 26 sticks. (#artsupplyjunkie)...*LOL*

    These eye sketches took like 10 minutes each. Seriously. Go get some. 


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    1 SD pooja said...

    those stunning eyes in just 10 mins ?? unbelievable..!!

    2 Audrey Pettit said...

    Omgosh, 10 minutes? My jaw just hit the floor!!!
    These are stunning, Yvonne! Absolutely stunning!

    3 Lisa said...

    Oh my gosh, the eyes are amazing!! I can't believe you created them in 10 minutes!! The colors are spectacular!! Wow!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

    4 Lizzy Hill said...

    HAH! Give me 100 years & I still couldn't do eyes like these....but I love looking at what you use them for & I'm loving your history lesson on these sweet sticks of oil!!!

    5 Lynn said...

    Your eyes are eye-catching and unbelievable for 10 minutes of work. I am going to be on the look out for those pastels. I never heard of that brand before and I am always excited to try new coloring products that produce such intense hues. Thanks for the info and a peek into your creative world.

    6 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

    Those are just gorgeous! I think you need to ask Santa for more this Christmas! *wink* :)

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    Cheers, Yvonne.

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