
A gift set of Christmas cards in a glassine bag


My mother recently had her annual gathering with her friends. Those aunties have been giving me lots of pretty vintage lace and beads since they've discovered my penchant for altering stuff...*LOL*

So I made some CAS Christmas cards and enclosed them in a decorated glassine bag along with a thank you gift...:)

The cards are super quick to make and embellish with SRM stickers. And postage friendly too. :)

P/s: Come play along with my guest Sandie's challenge and LESSology Challenge #31: Toy Story.


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1 Lizzy Hill said...

I've been doing something similar today, Yvonne, for a group of older friends:):) These are BRILL for sending away....& I spy more feathers:):)!!!!!!!!

2 Denise van Deventer said...

Such a neat it! ;-)

3 Heather McMahon said...

How gorgeous is this? You're so talented.

4 Sherry Eckblad said...

Cute gift idea. Love the idea of a glassine bag vs a box.

5 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh I love love love love this!!!!!! What a great idea!! So PINNING!!!!!

6 ~amy~ said...

I love card sets and glassine...this is awesome.

7 SD pooja said...

Lovely cards ! I liked the glassine bag idea a lot , gives a different look !

8 sandi said...

How sweet!!!!!!! Love these....all look great!

9 Laurel said...

Wonderful cards, and I love the addition of the feather!

10 Cindy deRosier said...

Beautiful and such a great thank-you!

11 Lisa said...

What gorgeous gift sets!! The cards are so pretty and I love the glassine bag!! The feather is a perfect touch!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Anonymous said...

A completly cute gift set!!!!

13 Ella Swan said...

I love the pretty addition of the bag. Love that they save pretty things for you :)

14 Holly AKA KopyKat said...

This is so pretty and I am loving the colors.

15 Angi Barrs said...

Fabulous! I love how you added the feathers!

16 Mona Pendleton said...

Such pretty cards! Love the fancy feathers!

17 Annette Allen said...

oh i love it.. so awesome..

18 Sharon Fritchman said...

Awesome project and a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing it with us, Yvonne!

19 alexandra s.m. said...

Gorgeous cards and I love the way you embellished that glassine bag Yvonne!

20 Audrey Pettit said...

I so, so love packaging in glassine bags! You get such an enticing peek at what's inside, that I just love. And your cards are absolutely adorable! Fun and festive papers, and how wonderful they are postage friendly designs. Loving the sticker border, twine, and feathers on the bag, too!

21 Karon said...

What a fabulous gift idea! Love it!

22 Lynnda said...

Glassine bag!! Good idea!!! loving these cards .... So pretty! hugs...x

23 Ashley Horton said...

Such a fun idea using the glassine bag, Yvonne! And I love the awesome red feather on the front!

24 said...

So fabulous!! Love the striking red feather! ~ Blessings, Tracey

Garden of Grace

25 katslittlepassion said...

they are so simple, but look so awesome!

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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