
The naughty phase


So littlest nephew J is officially into his terrible 3s phase. Naughty beyond a shadow of a doubt. It's spontaneous combustion when he can't get his way....and it's ugly! *LOL*

Does he get his way? Hmmmm....
I usually let him go at it for a minute or so to let him get his frustration out of his system...then he has to stop and tell me what he wants. Since I'm a skilled negotiator, we always end with peace....and sometimes, candy. *LOL*

I used the sketch at Creative Scrappers.

Supplies Basic Grey patterned papers and brad, MT tape, Maya mists, American Crafts thickers, ribbon, button, thread, black pen.


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1 Lynnda said...

Me ... im the opposite... I'd usually end up giving in to so glad ..hes bigger now... kinda miss those tantrums... he he...

This layout is fun, fabulous and I heart the pp used too... did I see handstitched???


2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! Believe it or not... when Brookie has her melt downs, Mama does NOT give in and Daddy does!! LOL!!! Yep!! I am the MEAN one!! HAHAHA!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this! Those photos are classic and loving the stitching!!!!

3 lavina agarwal said... cute! i am dreading this terrible2/3 phase, will be fun to see my daughter get her way though :)
love the lo!

4 TesaB said...

He is super cute in his melt down! :) Gorgeous page with all the fabbie patterned paper layers. And wow for that artsy stitching!!!!

5 Unknown said...

So cute...Tell me about the tantrums and the terrible twos and threes...have combated that twice .Nice Layout as usual...and a very unusual cjhoice of pictures and subject for a scrapbook.

6 Alice said...

you amazing at designing your pages, Yvonne! can't stop staring at the squares and how they frame the photos so effortlessly. fabulous work as always!

7 Hussena said...

oh i have definitely been through this phase and know its quite difficult to are doing a fab job if you are able to negotiate peace...i usually ended up giving in to their wishes..bad me :(...your LO is super as usual i love the pics and central flower brad you have pretty!!

8 Unknown said...

Love this layout and the subject matter!! Fabulous :0)

9 Jessi Fogan said...

Ah, temper tantrums...blech. Do you know one tip I saw which made me laugh, is to video the tantrum & show the child? Something about seeing how they look so ridiculous helps them not do it as much. At the very least, you'll get a giggle watching it again when they're teenagers! I love the idea of memorializing this - after all, every kid does it! love the perfect washi border :)

10 ~amy~ said...

LOL...awesome page!

11 Vasu said...

cant get enough of this cuteness, love the beautiful layout and adorable printed papers, so pretty :)

12 said...

Yvonne, Love how you pulled these gorgeous colors from the photo and the journaling on the photos is sooooo cool!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

13 Svetlana Austin said...

so cute and happy despite the sad little face on the photo's :-))) very cool LO! i love the colorful look of it!

14 sandi said...

Oh................. too sweet! The true moments in life! Yup! Got to capture it all. Fabulously done!

15 Rose said...

lol i am loving this paper and do i spy washi tape and hand sewing?? :)

16 Audrey Pettit said...

Only you can make naughty SO beautiful, Yvonne! This is gorgeous! Really love how you journaled around the photos, too. :)

17 Tone-Lill said...

Love all the colours you have used. The pictures are great too lol... Glad my kids have grown out of the 3year naughtiness lol... Fab with the wash tape frame :)

18 Unknown said...

OH yes. I remember those days. Your page is just so cute. LOVE it..


19 Cindy deRosier said...

You mean he doesn't save all his tantrums for home? I thought that was the upside of being an aunt! Love the stitching on this.

20 Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OH MY! What a super cute LO! I love that flower and brad--and I LOVE the story behind these pics!

21 Dr Sonia S V said...

I love the expression "spontaneous combustion"!! You are so hilarious Yvonne!

22 Angi Barrs said...

Awww look at those photos! So super cute. Love the title and page too!

23 Chantal Vandenberg said...

This is totally cute! Great that you scrapped this!!! Classic - goes so fast!!! :D

24 Ella Swan said...

Great layout Yvonne!! Oh the poor boy! Love how you have used the washi as a border!!!

25 Erum Tasneem said...

the colours on this one are fabulous!Loving the washi tape frame.

26 yyam said...

Oh yes. ...there's some handstitching .:)

27 yyam said...

Hehe....that's a surprise!

28 yyam said...

Not every kid goes through this phase. Nephew #1 & #2 didn't throw tantrums at the same age. Hope you get lucky. :)

29 yyam said...

Hmmm....something I should try. Thanks for sharing Jessi! :)

30 yyam said...

Hehe....I wish! The upside of being an aunt is that they eventually go home! Lol. :)

31 RiNNE said...

So cute!! Awesome mix of elements!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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