
10 more ways to incorporate found ephemera on your projects.

You know how I just love to incorporate found ephemera on my creations. :) Back in May, I shared 3 ways of incorporating found ephemera on your projects. Here are 10 more ways to incorporate found ephemera on your projects! :)

1. Trim it down to fit.

I go by Tim Gunn's famous tagline, "Make it work! " when it comes to ensuring something I want to use gets used! If something's sticking out, cut it down to a manageable size so that it would fit. Yep, the other part of the orange cable tie will appear on a future project. *LOL*

Beyond hilarious
Beyond hilarious layout.

2. Stamp on it...and add stickers.

This works well on flat objects like an ice-cream stick, fabric or tag. 

GA October Canvas
A mixed media canvas.

3. Make it whimsical.

Pair unexpected elements for a whimsical appeal. My inspiration for the canvas came from the book page. Let your imagination run a little wild. :)

Darling be mine
Be mine darling card.

4. Try a different base.

Use a base you've never tried before and you just might surprise yourself. My card was "built" on a Maya Road kraft envelope.

5. Mix textures.

Try mixing items of different textures together. The contrast can be very visually appealing. Think biker jacket meets chiffon dress...feminine yet edgy. 

The fire hydrant edition
The gangster gang: fire hydrant edition layout.

6. Make it (them) into something else.

In this layout, I used 2 ice-cream stickers to make a wooden signage. I also layered a few elements to create the sun and I took the wooden cat off a keychain.

7. Try (a little or a lot of) glitter.

Glitter is a great way to make everyday objects like a hanger look instantly more stylish! :)

Trick or treat
Trick or treat card.

8. Add dimension to an existing pattern.

Old toy wheels on a bicycle image? Fun!

Imagine tag
A distressed tag.

9. Create a "scene".

Yep. I really wanted to use this old watch casing. So I created a whole "scene" to fit it in. Complete with flying pig. :)

10. Make it 3D.

Make it attention-grabbing. Make the person looking at it want to reach out to touch it. [The bird was yanked from its perch when the nephews saw the bag! *LOL*]

There you have it. 10 more ways to incorporate found ephemera on your projects. What do you think? Will you be incorporating found ephemera on your projects?


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1 Unknown said...

Another wonderful post on found ephemera.Thanks for the tips.It is impossible to imagine and find out the origins of that found ephemera unless you point it out.very well incorporated in the scenes

2 Anita Kejriwal said...

Thanks!!! There is so much to learn from you!!!!

3 Annette Allen said...

wow you are full of amazing all your projects..

4 Creations by Shirl said...

You need to do a video now and share all those fun projects that you do amazing with...... Great job Yvonne!

5 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You are amazing!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeee these!!!!

6 Virginia L. said...

Wow, how amazing! You are full of fabulous ideas, Yvonne! I must study harder from you!

7 Laurel said...

Wow, amazing ideas!

8 Dr Sonia S V said...

Yvonne you are the best!!! I feel like yelling woohoo!! I hope you can hear it across the oceans!

9 lavina agarwal said...

wow lovely tips as always Yvonne, love the use of ice cream sticks (sure you will find some in my next projects ;))

10 Hussena said...

You always have the best tips to how you have managed to recycle the most unexpected elements in such a beautiful way...i think that watch casing and the bird idea is so it!!!

11 said...

Such great ideas here with so much inspiration!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

12 Tone-Lill said...

Thanks for yet again sharing great ideas with us. Your blog is such an inspirational place to visit :)

13 Jessi Fogan said...

TOY WHEELS! I have access to thousands probably, in many you think the boys will notice toys suddenly only having 2 or 3 wheels? What a lot of clever ideas :)

14 Jessi Fogan said...

TOY WHEELS! I have access to thousands probably, in many you think the boys will notice toys suddenly only having 2 or 3 wheels? What a lot of clever ideas :)

15 Lynnda said...

You are amazingly awesome Yvonne... Thanks for sharing!!! hugs...xoxo

16 Sherry Eckblad said...

Great tips and I agree I would love to see you do a video on this.

17 sandi said...

Such wonderful ideas and creations! Love all of these! Tks.!

18 Audrey Pettit said...

Love, love your tips posts, Yvonne! You always have such great ideas and you are SO good about sharing them with us! And I always love to see so much of your work all in one post, too. :)

19 Jess said...

Yvonne these are brilliant! I love every single creative and inspiring! tfs!

20 Evelin said...

You're so good at incorporating found ephemeras on your works :)

Thanks for the tips!

21 Unknown said...

I love all the ideas! Thanks for the inspiration :)

22 Lalo said...

SO many ideas!!!

23 Karen B. said...

I enjoy these types of posts, I learn so much from you!

24 ~amy~ said...

I always love your tips:) awesome post.

25 Cindy deRosier said...

Excellent tips! You really have a way with ephemera.

26 Savannah O'Gwynn said...

I want to see a video too!! LOVE these post--always awesome seeing how you create:) <3

27 MirjamC said...

great post yvonne and thanks for the tips!

28 Ella Swan said...

You are so good at recycling!! You have definitely made me more aware of the potential in everything! Recently I incorporated a used stamp, a used ticket, an old CD and some electrical wire onto a couple of layouts (not yet shown on my blog!) so thank you!!

29 Alice said...

thanks for the fun and beautiful post, Yvonne! love reading about and seeing your tips!

30 Miae said...

Lot's of eye candy! Thank you for so many wonderful ideas!

31 said...

You make it look soooo easy, but that is because you are an expert :>) I on the other hand think oh gees where am I going to put this if I keep it ;>)

32 Sharm Nidyanandan said...

What gorgeous projects you have there! Amazing! Tq for the tips on ephemeras! :)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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