
Two boys a girl and a bed

Two boys a girl and a bed

So, my brother and his wife went away on another vacation without the kids (again!)..hence two boys a girl and a bed...;) It was eight nights of very disruptive sleep (kids fidget a lot when they sleep!) but I did enjoy having my nephews around! :)

A fun layout using Lily Bee papers, crepe paper, SRM stickers, blue embellishments (Gauche Alchemy), ribbon, doiley, handstitching and that cute girl charm! :)

Inspired by Sketchy Thursdays.

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1 ~amy~ said...'re such a nice auntie!!!! Love your layout!!! The colors are wonderful!

2 Spardha said...

wow!.. cute page.. nd that must have been fun! :D

3 mandysea said...

Wow Yvonne!!
This is sooo cute ....

Splash is devine!!!!!
And your otp creations are gorgeous!! You've been soooo busy!!!

4 Maggi said...

Awww, you're the best auntie ever Y! I love the colors on this layout and the way you used the crepe paper is fantastic!

5 Laurel said...

What a great auntie you are! Love the layout, the ruffle and the doily are great accents.

6 Cindy Lee said...

You are such a great aunt!! Your layout is lovely with the blue and red color combo! Love your blue wall too!

7 Kishley (Dolly Sapra) said...

lolz.. so cute :D both you nephews look naughty ;)

And i really really love the layout..

8 Dora said...

I think you are a great aunt, love the picture and can imagine the fun they had!

9 said...


Anonymous said...

cute layout! hope you got caught up on your sleep!

11 Trotter said...

Hi Yvonne! Wow! Lucky brother to have such a sister; and lucky nephews of the «poor» aunt... ;))

Ephesus Masterpieces are at Blogtrotter Two for you to enjoy; I’m sure you’ll be impressed!! Have a great week!!

12 Sparkplug17 said...

Such a darling layout!

13 MirjamC said...

8 nights/day's together with your nephews?in one bed?you're a great aunt for your nephews:)!!!i'm allready nockout when my nephew stay with us for 2 nights, haha! what a fantastic page!!!

14 Lynnda said...

Lovely LO Yvonne....Yippeee another Blue....Oh yes I'm sucker for BLUE...LOVE IT!!

15 laterg8r said...

fab lo - you are such a good auntie :D

love the title on the doily :D

16 RiNNE said...

Hahahaha, your title's as funny as your pages! I was going to say, "Wow, Yvonne. You go girl!" Buwahahahah! Awesome ruffly ribbon! Cute boys!

17 Juhi said...

gorgeous layout, love the ruffled ribbon. You have been a great aunt, I remember being kicked around by my niece when I was baby sitting!

18 lisa said...

Fab LO. Love how you've used the sketch. Thanks for playing x

19 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this Yvonne!!! Loveeeeeeeee the colors and that crepe paper!!! Thanks sooooooooooooooooooo much for playing along with SKETCHY THURSDAYS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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