


This layout was a request by my friend Carrie (and seconded by Maggi) ...for me to do a layout entitled "Entourage" and featuring my two Shitzus - Joey and Chandler (yes, they were named after characters from Friends). I'm not a famous star (lol) so my entourage consists of just these two cuties... who follow me around when they want to go out and hang on to my every word when I'm holding their favourite snack (ready to give me their paw while salivating that is...:)

Patterned paper: Stemma, Maya mists, chipboard leaves: Fancy Pants, stickers (American Crafts, Adorn It & Studio Calico) and some handstiching...based on the sketch by Creative Scrappers. Pin It


1 laterg8r said...

this is freakin fantastic :D

i looooove that they are named joey and chandler - that is so cool :D

what did you use to make those green leaves? is it tissue paper?

2 Maggi said...

Love love love this!!! They are to cutest dogs ever and your layout is awesome!

3 ~amy~ said...

LOL...Joey & Chandler...I LOVE it!!!

4 Smita said...

LOL LOL!! can't help cracking up at the names!! :D
Beautiful layout... and though I am not a pet lover, cute little Chandler & Joey, I must admit!!


5 Cindy Lee said...

Awww....they are so ADORABLE!! You should scrap more of their pic!! What a great layout!!

6 Juhi said...

wow, beautiful as usual!! I love the leaves with the hand stitching......

7 Jessy Christopher said...

I have to agree with the leaves, they are awesome!! You create beautiful layouts. I love ur entourage, such cutie dogs u have :)

8 Dora said...

Ow so sweet and fun, great pictures and love that the lo is so playfull!

9 Courtney Baker said...

You are totally making me want to scrap with this one!

10 Laurel said...

Oh how adorable! fabby layout to go with such cute pics!

11 BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That is SO cute! My entourage currently consists of my 18 month old. Ah ha ha

12 Unseen India Tours said...

This is so fantastic !! I loved this !!

13 MirjamC said...

what a cute doggies!the leaves and flowers are so beautiful! fantastic page!!!

14 kavitha said...

cute one,love the flowers n leaves

15 Shalini said...

how adorable... very well done... love the leaves...

Anonymous said...

LOVE your entourage Yvonne...such cuties,much better than being a star!!Funny names too ;)LOve your layout!Gorgeous journaling!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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