
14 gift-wrapping ideas

I love gift-wrapping presents, especially when I can utilize my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" stash to make something pretty to brighten up somebody's day. :) Here are 14 gift-wrapping ideas.

Upcycled tea tin
Upcycled gift container

1. Shabby chic tins

Sturdy metal tins make great packaging. Make them pretty with lace, flowers and bling.

2. Fancy pillow boxes

If you are giving away something small, decorate some pillow boxes with stickers and stamping. I get these when I buy charm bracelets [that I collect but never wear..] and I like to fill them with sweet treats. :)

Or if your gift is a little more substantial, you can go for a more decorated pillow box - patterned paper, lace, ribbon, chipboard and blooms.

3. Decorated pull-out boxes

I love pull-out packaging boxes. Try a glittery cute "scene" or a pretty textured look.

When I found a brown paper envelope
4. Make a brown paper envelope cute

If your gift is long and flat like a notepad, go with a decorated brown paper envelope. I embellished mine with cute stuff.:)

Decorated paper bag for Maya Road
Baby boy paper bag

5. Pretty up a plain brown paper bag

Patterned paper and pretty/cute embellishments can make any plain shopping bag look much better.

The decorated paper bag

6. A decorated box and matching paper bag.

If you want to get a little more fancy, decorate a box and a matching paper bag. :)

A piece of remnant fabric makes a great gift-wrap

7. A bento box wrap

When you don't have wrapping paper big enough for your box, go with some remnant fabric.

An altered tea box

8. Go for a metallic look.

A little bit of mixed media texture and some hardware can dress up an otherwise plain box.

Tiered cake box for Xyron
9. Tiered cake boxes

If you have a few gifts, you can go for some pretty tiered cake boxes. They look pretty individually but really pack a punch when they stand together. :)

There you have it...14 gift-wrapping ideas. Which is your fave?

P/s: Happy weekend friends!


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1 Suman Pandit said...

you can make everything look pretty with your special touch !! love the paper bags the most !!

2 Lizzyc said...

Goodness me these look amazing! Great gift giving ideas !

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You are simply amazing! I loveeeeeeee these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 Lizzy Hill said...

I reckon these wrappings are like a present in themselves! IF you make me choose, it would be the yellow material wrapped one....a bit strange, since I'm not into material or sewing in any shape or form....but I do like the way you've folded it! Have a lovely weekend:):) EYE'm sure you will...... some more eye drawing maybe??!!!

5 SD pooja said...

Wow..I have missed seeing many of them ! I totally agree with Lizzy these are gift in themselves !The last one tier-cake looks so pretty n yummy ;)

6 Shelly said...

Yay for gift wrapping!...I love gift wrapping, too! ;) All your gifts are amazing, which honestly. you out do me on quite a few. lol Loving your bags and everything in between!
Thanks for sharing...enjoy your weekend! :)

7 Radhika said...

love these gift wrapping ideas.. :)

8 Cindy deRosier said...

I could never pick a favorite - you do gift wrapping so well!

9 Lisa said...

Seriously, you don't even need to put gifts inside...the wrapping is a gift itself!! Wow my friend!! You are amazing!! Love them all - impossible to pick a fav!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

10 Annette Allen said...

I love every single one of your projects.. they are all so pretty. :)
very creative my friend.

11 Lynn said...

I adore the tiered boxes that look like a cake. I often give several little gifts so making a set like this would be ideal. Thank you for sharing another beautiful idea.

12 Audrey Pettit said...

I am a huge fan of fancy gift wrapping, so this post makes me happy, happy! LOVE all your ideas and I so love how you upcycle! I hate seeing stuff get chucked into the trash, and you have given us so many awesome ideas of other ways to use leftover packaging. Love them all! That bento wrapping with the leftover fabric makes me swoon!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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