
Vainpot...and a little giveaway!


I love heels. They make feel sexy and feminine. I have no qualms about towering over people. *LOL*  These are my latest the little stud action they have going at the edges. :) But what is the price of vanity? Pain of course...:(  These shoes look as good on me as they hurt my feet. I wore these shoes just once and the lesson learnt? Save it for days I drive or for sit-down dinners! Any other vainpots like me? ;)

I did a lot of fussy cutting on this layout, mounting some of the elements on foam dots for some extra dimension. The fun part was adding all the cutesy stuff from the various Gauche Alchemy Mixed Media Color Kits!

So I have been going on and on about how great the Gauche Alchemy Mixed Media Color Kits are right? How would you like to try them out for yourself? 

I would love to give ONE lucky person TWO color kits of their choice!:)

So...leave a COMMENT in this post telling me how vain you are...and which two mixed media color kits you want to win.  I'll pick a winner next Friday! :)

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1 Lynnda said...

woohoo this layout is JUST SO ME... he the colors and the fussy cuttings... and that little charm hanging over the bloom and button is so cute......brilliant Yvonne...
Talking about VAIN Why I'm so vain... everyone who knows me... would say YES SHES SO SO SO VAIN... thank god shes not tall!!...thats how bad I AM... !!! he he...
and my fave color kit is of course lady marmalade... I SO WANT IT.... Pick me.. LOL...

have a good weekends ..sista!!..xx

2 Sparkplug17 said...

Such a lovely layout!

3 Dora said...

Wow Yvonne, just amazing work this!
Love the images...forget the word...sorry.
Those shoes are beautiful ;)

4 Juhi said...

wow love all the fussy cutting......n that cute shoe charm....
I can't wear high heels my feet hurt like hell :(....but that does not stop me from hoarding them in the hope that I'll wear them some day, even if I do venture out in one, I keep a spare pair of comfortable shoes with me......for a long time I thought tht I was the only one whose feet hurt but now I knw better :P

PS: I would just looooooooove to have the pink and orange kits.......

5 Spardha said...

wow!.. love the LO!.. the fussy cutting rocks!.. the bling around the pic looks awesome!
I have got a good height which doesn't allow me to wear heels almost ever (m lucky they don't hurt my feet!).. I still buy them! ;).. an i love green and white colour kits! :)

6 Evelin said...

whoa... look at the fussy cutting!! love the heels by the way...

Yeah, I can relate... no pain no gain :P Heels do make me feel sexy and empowered too. No idea why... haha.... so I fall victim to heels too :P

7 Ujjwal said...

lolz..I think this layout speaks for most of the girls out there!! Not only shoes, I hoard everything pretty in the hope of using them some day :D

Thanks for a chance to win those gorgeous color kits!!

My pick would be Winter Slush Blue and Silver Mixed Media Mega Color Kit and Banana Hammock Yellow Mixed Media Color Kit

8 Isha Gupta said...

Wow...Great LO with patient cutting. Amazing!!!! Pretty pair of shoes...its so very pain no heels are also lying there in the thought of getting the chance to be worn, which ofcoarse I think about time to time but walking time, it remains thinking only...LOL.
My favorite color kits are:
Banana Hammock Yellow Mixed Media Color Kit and Envy Green Mixed Media Color Kit
Thanks for giving a chance to win these lovely goodies. Yummm ;)

9 Dara Lynn said...

1. Your layout is eye candy!! I love all the Gauche media stuff! I just got my punchinella (?) in the mail last week! (Got to start somewhere)!
2. Vain is wearing heels when you have back issues...! Found a great pair of Vera Wang pumps on sale and with a meeting the following week.. I knew I had to wear them! Emergency kit of flip flops in my purse along with band aides aides won out!
3. Winter Slush or Blackout Mixed would be! Good luck to all!

10 Smita said...

Lovely layout!! And so much fussy cutting?? Super cool...

Talk about being vain... we all are, aren't we? ;-) I have no 'heel' stories to share coz I don't wear them at all. And don't mention this to anyone, I am short too :D I stand only 5 ft 1.5" tall and I wear flat footwear most of the time. What am I vain about? My jewelery... me loves my diamonds like crazy and can wear heavy diamond studded jewelery even if my ears ache :D

I like the Banana Hammock Yellow and Pink Parts Mixed Media color kits [predictable, ain't i?!]

Thanks for the chance!!

11 kavitha said...

love ur fussy cutting and the BG paper,goes well.
I never use heal,as i am tall and its a grt deal to get flat slippers for me,as most of them don't go for it:)
I love accessories and hoard them a lot:)i love the blue n purple kit:)

12 Karen B. said...

Oh, I think I'm vain too, but I'm vain about my earings. I can't have the cheap stuff. No siree! Thanks for the chance to win, I think I fancy the Its all Gravy and Winter Slush, but wow, are they all ever fabulous! They look like lots of fun!

13 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Soooooooo have Carly Simon's song, "You're so vain" stuck in my head now!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!! I am sooooooooooo vain...I will NOT leave the house without my hair and makeup done! LOL!! I barely wear any make-up ... but I CAN NOTICE when I don't have it on...and that's enough incentive for me! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this lo!!!! All the cutout work is AWESOME! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

14 Laurel said...

Love it! love the mix of papers! Me I don't do heels, I can't handle the sore feet.

15 ~amy~ said...

Whatta fun layout!!!! Love all the fussy cutting!!!!!

Haha...I'm sooo opposite of you in terms of footwear:). I only wear (cute) flats:). I'm vain in the fact that I don't leave my home without makeup on...never...ever...

I adore the winter slush & blue streak kits!

16 Janice said...

Love the layout, colors are great!

I stopped doing heels long ago so I am vain about my hair. I don't leave without every single hair in place, ironic because I live in the WINDY CITY so the minute I stop out side the wind gives me a whole new hair style!

Put me down for the pink and purple kits!! Thanks for the chance to win!

17 laterg8r said...

love the title - you must have made that word up :D

fussy cutting is awesome :D

i'm so vain i no longer leave the house without makeup (that might also just be a sign that i'm getting older and don't want to scare anyone LOL)

18 Anita Kejriwal said...

Lovely layout! there is always a surprise element in whatever you do. How Vain I M? well....I,m very particular about lining my eyes with kohl. Without this I do not go out anywhere. My hubby says I can kill with my looks. So Thats it. And would love to have those shoes but that would make me taller than my hubby. Wouldn,t want That? And about the kits--A combi of red and orange would be great. or pink and blue. I love all colours.

19 Summer Braxton said...

I NEVER leave the house without most of my make-up on, but i don't consider it vanity. It's more of a public service. Ha!

20 Jo said...

oh i am also singing "your so vain" in my head ... before child ... i had the most amazing collection of heels and stillettos ... after child i have been wearing the fashionable but sensible shoes ... sigh .... i really need to get back into heels. these days i am most vain about my clothes ...

21 RiNNE said...

Love that this post and l.o. are about vanity. I was never really into heels but I do LOVE me some High wedges or platforms! I am super short and need to wear them a lot but now with the babe, I tend to go for comfort. The winter kits for me please!

22 DonnaMundinger said...

Gorgeous layout and I hear ya girl! It's ALL about the shoes! My current obsession is Christian Louboutin! (ouch on the pocketbook!)and although I'm WAY past the age to be wearing those bad boys, I can't get enough. I'm sooo vain I wear them despite two foot surgeries and arthritis and I never leave home without a stash of bandaids in my purse. I even sometimes wear them in bed (wink wink, oops! TMI?)Heck, I'll be wearing them when I'm in a wheelchair and be the envy of all in the old folks home. LOL Would LOVE to get my hands on those fabby kits! My faves are Scarlet Fever and Winter slush! thanks for the chance! xxD

23 Avni said...

This is so gorgeous layout. I love the little blue shoe hanging there;) I am so fond of heels. I feel like getting new one after seeing yours! They are too classyy!
I love to have Lady Marmelade and Envy green kit! pls pick me;)

24 said...

There is that fussy cutting again - fab! And such a quirky fun LO!
Vain? Shoes? Nope, I am all about comfort, although I do like wearing heels to work and being taller than some of the guys -shhhhh, don't tell!
I spend all my extra $ on paper crafting supplies :>)
What fun kits - this would definitely be pushing me outside my comfort zone...It's All Gravy Baby ('cause that name is just too cute) and Scarlet Fever Red ('cause red goes with everything).
You're a sweetie, thanks for the chance :>)

Anonymous said...

What a fun layout! Love it! i love all pretty and sweet stuff :) Thanks for chance!

26 forpahl5 said...

I can't wait to try the felt flowers!

27 Cindy Lee said...

Ohhh I really love pumps!! They are so feminine and I do feel sexy wearing them even though it hurts my feet so much! Lol...we are sooo vain :) I love ALDO heels but they are so expensive here. And they really lived the name high heels coz most of them are really really high. I love talking about shoes :)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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