
When you smile

When you smile

Dear sweet nephew S,
When you smile, you really light up the room! :) I'm happy that it's so easy to coax you out of a bad mood. And that you always make the effort to smile for me when I stick the camera in your face! May you always look on the bright side of life and smile always!
Love, Aunt Y.
 A fun layout using My Little Shoebox papers! How did I not discover MLS till now? I scored some of last year's papers from a friend who sold them to me (thanks Y!)...so I mixed them with the new stuff! :)

Some misting and ink dripping using two different shades of orange mist ...some rubons, stickers (SRM & 7 Gypsies), brads and my MS border punch! :)

Inspired by the sketch at Creative Scrappers.

P/s: Don't forget about the digital layout challenge...you still have time to submit your entries HERE.

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1 Spardha said...

wow!.. superb layout!!.. i love ur phtography in this lo.. and OMG!.. the stamping is just awesome!.. WOW! :D

2 Heather said...

So cute!

3 ~amy~ said...

Yvonne, such a FUN layout!!! You always have thee best details!

4 Jenneke said...

LOVE the way you used the photos!!! And your bright colors, of course ;-)


5 Dara Lynn said...

All previous comments reference to FUN--- it is is super fun page :)MLS papers are cute to begin with, and this layout and your skills just take it to another level !

6 Laurel said...

So fun! Love the misting and all the cute little critters!

Anonymous said...

amazing photography:)....u r so good. i loved the whole layout. u have used so many vibrant colours.....its beautiful

8 Maggi said...

Holy cow, this is amazing! I love the picture progression, this is just perfect! How do you not have your own scrapbooking book out yet? You need to be published!!!

9 Rachana said...

this is so cute...n the stamping in the below layout looks really nice..

10 Dora said...

Ow wow what you've did with the picture is awesome, and again all the great colors and details, beautiful!

11 laterg8r said...

loooove the triple picture, fab lo :D

12 kavitha said...

I always love the small small things u add.those are stickers or digi's?simply superb:)

Anonymous said...

Aah, what a sweetie pie he is! And I love the orange spray ink and dripping... yummie!!! (P.S. Sorry I haven't been around much lately - I'm over-my-head busy, next Month will be better - I promise!)

14 Casey Wright said...

This LO is so BEAUTIFUL - I love all of the spritzing in the background too :). Also - such sweet journaling...

15 Naddy said...

Very cool LO... Love the fun colours :)

16 Smita said...

Lovely!! Really like the papers and the misted background.
The pic is adorable as always :-) I'm sure the nephew is going to be pleased with Aunt Y when he grows up :-)


17 scrapsnsuch@gmail.com said...

Just love the way you did the photos - wow!

Anonymous said...

Loving those bright colors and those photo's are fab!Beautiful journaling Yvonne!
Thai is such a happy Layout...beautiful tribute to your nephew!!

19 Suzanne said...

So vibrant and fun, great use of the Creative Scrappers sketch. And I love MLS too!

Anonymous said...

Cute, fun and sassy l/o. I love it, this just seems to have everything.



21 RiNNE said...

Such a fab l.o.! Love how the shades of his faces change with that smile! I adore how you placed all of those MLS products!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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