
Sweet and colorful

Today, I would like to introduce to you...Mirjam Hendriks from The Netherlands! I "met" Mirjam through the Scrapping Out Loud challenge blog 6 months ago. She was a regular participant and I really enjoyed her creations. This super sweet gal was also the first blog friend to send me some happy mail! :) She, by the way, makes the cutest things with fimo clay so make friends with her! (wink ;) *LOL*...this lucky gal has such a lovely scrap space all to herself...she must have a lot of goodies in those drawers!:) She does have a surprise for ONE of you...:)

I picked some of her creative projects to show you...

Click on image to have a closer view..

 I love that her projects are always so lively and colourful!:)

 "When Yvonne asked me to be her guest blogger I felt so honored, because I love her work... I think she's the queen of card making!!! (because of her I started with card-making too). 

Well what would I tell you?...wake up Mirjam... about your love for crafts and especially scrapping of course!!! Since my childhood I'm a huge crafts lover, I alway's collected cute stickers,papers and cut out pictures from magazines to make my own little books...so as a child I also did some scrapping without knowing that:):)Before I started with scrapping I played alot with fimo clay and felt and I've always had a passion for photography.

When I was surfing on the internet two years ago I found the blog of the Dutch scrapper/photographer Corinne Delis( www.corinne-delis.typepad.com ) ...and that was the day I fell in love with scrapbooking!
My perfect scrapping time looks like this.....a pot of tea (without chocolate since I'm on a diet:( ...an incense stick, my fave music and of course my snoring cats around me...and then I can scrap and let all my stress melt away...

It's been a year since I started blogging ( www.sweetandcolorful.blogspot.com ) and WOW...I love it...it's so much FUN to 'meet' people around the whole world with the same passion for scrapbooking!!! And it makes my day when I receive lovely comments!!! I really get inspired by the work I see on other scrapblogs...so before I start scrapping, I visit my fave blogs and then I have inspiration enough to make my own pages!!! Also I get inspired by things around me, like nature, colors, beautiful advertisements in magazines and music!

Though I find it hard to journal on my LOs, I started last week with Marit's ( www.maritscrapworld.com ) art journal workshop...and WOW I made my very first art journal pages with a lot of journaling....it's so much FUN!!! Yes...scrapping is a part of my life that I can't imagine my life without it!!! "
Mirjam has offered this lovely RAK for one lucky winner! 

This is the inspiration piece by Mirjam...

Feel free to make a card or layout or any creative project inspired by Mirjam's creation. I hope at least one of you plays along (pretty please...:). Leave your project links in this post by next Tuesday, 16 February 2010.

I will share my inspired project in my next post...:)
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1 MirjamC said...

hi yvonne:) wow , this is super to see my work on your blog!!! and I'm so curious to your page:):):)
thanks again for this opportunity!

2 Dora said...

I don't have the time to play, and I always do my own crazyt hings when I make a lo, never worked with another lo or sketch.. I love the lo from Miriam, it is beautiful!

3 ~amy~ said...

I love how you spotlight different artists...fun stuff!!!! Mirjam does wonderful work!

I'll try to play along...super busy getting ready for a gift show this weekend..

4 Courtney Baker said...

Very cool. I've actually had the itch to scrap lately maybe I'll take you up on that. Such beautiful inspiration!

5 Laurel said...

Fun layout! Love how you always use mist -mine just sits on my shelf!

Anonymous said...

Hi Yvonne and Mirjam ;)Love to see you here!I love your work Mirjam!Always so creative!I will try to play along of course!

Anonymous said...

How fun to see both Yvonne as Mirjam here... hi gals!!!! And Mirjam, that is so sweet of you to see that I got you journaling, you did real well! Keep it up girl!!! I'm afraid I won't have enough time left to play along (I'm on a tight schedule at the moment to keep "all my balls in the air") but I hope you get a lot of participants!!!!

8 Jess said...

2 of my favorite people on 1 blog....love it! I am so happy that it was SOL that brought you together..that makes me smile! Well, I haven't scrapped in weeks but I am going to play along...Mirjam's work is all so inspirational!
Great idea Yvonne!!

9 Maggi said...

What an awesome guest post! Love the inspiration layout, I hope I can get something done by the deadline!

10 Maggi said...

I'm back and my layout is finished! Yippee!!! lol The weather is rainy today but I was desperate to get it in on time! lol

It's posted on my blog HERE. Thanks for a great challenge! :D

11 BellaNyssa said...

pretty work....great combination of the elements!

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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