
How to incorporate humour in your layouts...9 ideas

So, the underlying theme in my family layouts is always humour. Sometimes in the photos captured, the embellishments used, the stories leading to the know, real life. Others may have scrapbook albums that are stunning in the artistry of embellishing, mine just gets people laughing out loud. And that's the way I like it. :) Here are 9 ideas for incorporating humour in your layouts....from the 2013 archives. :)

I've been checking you out
1. Reimagine the themed papers.

On this layout, I used Valentine's Day papers to tell the story about the hunt for my birthday cake.

This is real life
2. Just use the real-life photos.

Kids will never tire of making silly faces at the camera so instead of tearing your hair out trying to get them to cooperate for a nice fake photo, why not just use the ones that reflect real life? *winks*

Meet the master of disguise

3. Capture the micro-expressions.

You never know what you can capture when you catch the young ones at play.

Happy birthday layout
How to create a fun mixed media layout with your birthday photos

4. Use consecutive photos to tell the story.

So it was hard to get everyone to cooperate here...*LOL*

The NT$19 store
5. Capture shopping moments.

Especially when you try out stuff you probably would buy but will have a good laugh at the store. ;)

The Squid Squad
6. Food-eating moments.

Incorporate fun food-eating highlights like this one of all of us eating squid. Note the title.

The story about the day we went to watch Monsters University

7. A re-enactment is totally okay.

So this was the day we were supposed to go see a movie and when it was time to go, the car wouldn't start and it was parked in front of the other available car. Then the tow truck came and saved the day. The photos of the nephew looking sad were re-enacted after we came back from the movies. ⇩

Finally...a decent photo of the nephews

8. Include the outtakes.

The outtakes are the best!

Photoshoot gone awry
9. Create a fun "scene".

Well, it doesn't even have to make sense...just throw in some birds and flowers and cute kids!

There you have it...9 ways to incorporate humour in your layouts. What about you? Do you incorporate humour in your layouts?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I loveeeeeeeeee these!!! And I try to incorporate as much humor in my pages as I can .. cause if we can't laugh at ourselves, then???? LOL!!!!!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I love that you incorporate humor into all your layouts! They're such a pleasure to see and always make me smile. I have some humorous layouts sprinkled amongst the others, but it's definitely not a go-to for me.

3 Lisa said...

You incorporate humor perfectly!! I love all of your layouts!! They are so fun and always make me smile!! I'd like to think I'd incorporate humor if I actually stepped out of the card-making genre and made a layout ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Lizzyc said...

These are great! fun photos and fabulous memories!!

5 Audrey Pettit said...

You have nailed the art of humor, my friend! For sure! Your fun-loving style always has me smiling! I just love your use of color and the way you put together elements!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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