
My first Christmas wreath


So I decided that this was the year I would actually try decorating a wreath for Christmas. 

I did a Google image search for Christmas wreaths and boy were the majority time-consuming! Who has time to cover up the entire wreath with yarn first and then decorate it, right? *winks* [My wreath is pretty small actually...hahaha]

Oh well, I decided that I kind of like the organic feel of the straw wreath so I added some pops of colour with Maya Road vintage lace tape. A couple more Maya Road embellishments - Bottle Brush Tree, deer resin, bottlecap star and vintage bead and I was done in 30 minutes. :)


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1 ~amy~ said...

Fun wreath!

2 Annette Allen said...

how totally fun.. love it

3 Cindy deRosier said...

Very pretty! The yellow is a fun touch. I would have expected you to use gold! ;)

4 Mitralee said...

Rock star!!! Love that tree omg!

5 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

And you ROCKED it!!!!!!! This is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

6 Lizzy Hill said...

Brilliant idea....& you are so right - who has the TIME? This looks lovely with the different coloured it!!!

7 SD pooja said...

30 mins ?? Its Awesome ..loved the organic feel and the bold ,bright colors .Wonderful mix of textures on this wreath :)


Wow, You did great job! Thanks for sharing dear :)

9 Audrey Pettit said...

So sweet, Yvonne! I love the lace and pearl wrap on here! Bright and colorful and elegant all at the same time! And the little tree and deer in the center are adorable! The star topper is absolutely perfect, too!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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