
How an abandoned canvas finally saw the light of day....


This was one of those projects that I had in my half-done pile. The 12 x12 canvas base was covered with remnant gauze pieces of various sizes and chipboard pieces that have fallen off their adhesive backings ...and were basically driving me nuts. Yet, after sticking them all down with gel medium and putting a layer of gesso over it, I wasn't really feeling it went into cold storage. [Okay on a stool in my room but when I turned on the went into "cold storage"...*LOL*]

Then my box of new stencils from The Crafter's Workshop arrived. And I fell hard for this post card stencil. And had to use it immediately. And then everything just fell into place....

Now I have a mixed media canvas noticeboard to temporarily house unscrapbooked photos....and that is how an abandoned canvas finally saw the light of day...:)

This project was first shared on the Maya Road blog.


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1 Lizzy Hill said...

....& that is an incredibly USEFUL use for said canvas....LOVE it.... & even more, how you manage to add bits that don't seem to 'go'...until you cluster them. And then they seem perfect! Oh, and that big pink flower? YUM!!!! [and I don't even like flowers!!!!!]

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

hehehehe ... turns on air con and it becomes the cold room! LOL!! I love love love this! LOVING that post card stencil and the little deer!!!!!

3 Holly AKA KopyKat said...

This is so super cute, love the letters, colors and the great design.

4 Cindy deRosier said...

I hadn't realized the pictures weren't intended to be part of the canvas! What a great idea, using a canvas to hold ready-to-scrap photos.

5 Lisa said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! The texture is amazing!! The pictures are so darn sweet!! As always, you add the perfect details!! Love!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

6 Lisa said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! The texture is amazing!! The pictures are so darn sweet!! As always, you add the perfect details!! Love!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

7 Shelly said...

This is awesome! So glad you were able to finish the canvas! ;) (and know you're not alone on the 'cold storage' lol I do it with cards, all the time. Some don't even make it out!)

8 Annette Allen said...

wow I am glad you finished it because it is amazing.. nicely done my friend.. so talented..

9 Shylaashree said...

i always admire your texturing skill Yvonne. It is great

10 HappyMomentzz by Sharada Dilip said...

a lovely idea, you have put it together soo nicely ! loved it

11 Heather Jacob said...

this is so beautiful, and your little girl is such a beauty .. a little doll xoxoo

12 Audrey Pettit said...

Cold storage!.... haha! This is gorgeous, Yvonne! I LOVE the color! The rich pink/blue/purple background looks amazing, and I adore the jumble of alphas and the texture of the gauze. And what a fun idea to turn this into a clipboard! Love that!

13 Linda Breedlove said...

Amazing, I have a 12 x 12 unfinished canvas just like yours was. I love how you got back into it and turned it unto something beautiful!
Have a great weekend, Yvonne!

14 Sharon Fritchman said...

I love the adorable photos you used on your canvas, which is stunning!!!! You are so creative - I am always inspired when I visit your blog! HUGS!!!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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