
Learning to love my sewing machine...


It's confession time. Any machine stitching you saw on my projects prior to Christmas 2013 was done by someone else [hangs head in shame]...I went with the "free rider" approach. If my mother or sister was sewing something, I'll just swing by with my layout...."Could you just do a row right over here?"

The reason is pretty simple actually. I HATE threading the machine. It drives me CRAZY! *LOL*

So now I'm learning to love my sewing machine...*winks* 

Just a layout about a fun morning walk with the niece and nephew.

Playing along with the mood board at Inkido and Scrapfriends.


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1 Shylaashree said...

loved the way you have arranged the photos, doilies and stitching it's really fun doing that, Kudos for your learning

2 Laurel said...

Yay for sewing! Wonderful layout!

3 alexandra s.m. said...

Hi Yvonne, how darling and stinkin' cute your page is ;))
Love your work with the sewing machine!
Thank You!

4 Joni Andaya said...

Awesome Yvonne!!! I am glad you are now enjoying your sewing machine :) What a FUN and Gorgeous layout with those stitching! Love this!!!

5 Radhika said...

Its lovely ..love the whole arrangement Yvonne and love the mesh tape you used it in many projects .. :) You take fun and amazing pictures Yvonne :)

6 zenevak said...

Fabulous layout! Love the bright patterned background paper and all your wonderful stitching! Way to go with the sewing machine! Thank you for joining us at ScrapFriends!

7 Lizzy Hill said...

Oh, how I WISH I had a sis to annoy like that! And my mother would not let any paper NEAR her 'babies'!!!! But I am soooo with you re: the threading thing. A pain. Enormous one, so hats off to you for being a big girl & standing on your own two feet!!! And I LOOOOOVE that bg paper....popalicious!!!

8 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL!!! I have to love mine ... I got no one to do it for me! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this!! LOVING the colors, the photos and the doilies!!!!!!

9 Jinny Newlin said...

Great job then, girl! Keep up all the yummy stitching, and your pics are darling! Great design!

10 Annette Allen said...

now this is just full of cuteness. awesome layout my friend..

11 dstandard said...

Fabulous page and congrats on learning to sew! It really can be fun!

12 SD pooja said...

Ohh..Poor MOm n SIs..I can understand them..as its me who does some little stitching for my mom mostly n if not then the threading part :D !! Good your are doing your own stitching now..Loved the fun Lo.I like to see pps on your LO but I miss seeing misted bgs your made Yvonne !Loved the doilies n mesh tape .

13 sandi said...

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE this! The sewing looks great with the fun mix and the journaling is so attractive here. FABULOUS lo!

14 Cindy deRosier said...

That's so funny! I wish I had someone else in the house sewing so that I could just stick my layout in there every once in a while. I hate getting out the machine, hate threading it, and hate the fact that I almost instantly mess up the project I was trying to sew!

15 Lisa said...

This is gorgeous!! And the stitching looks amazing!! I need to learn to love my sewing machine more...my lines always turn out wonky and I end up wasting so much paper!! Love this!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Anonymous said...

I agree, theres nothing that frustrates me more then when my sewing machine jams and I have to figure it out, I get so frustrated!!!!! And then to spend time on a card and have it ruined....not so good, that's way you will see very few cards with sewing on them! I love the look though! Your page turned out so cute!!!!

17 Karon said...

Fabulous LO and love the stitching around the photos - great papers too! TFS

18 Ashley Horton said...

Your page and the stitching are awesome, Yvonne!! I really need to get a sewing machine one of these days!!

19 Mitralee said...

WAIT! There is nothing wrong with the first method of conning someone who is already sewing into helping a little, is there? I hate threading the darn thing too....love this layout! Super pretty colors!

20 Denise van Deventer said...

Love the fun and vibrancy of this page! Super!

21 Audrey Pettit said...

Yay for embracing your sewing machine! This is really adorable, and your fun stitching adds so much fabulous detail. Love the paper you used and the masking, too. And that title just makes me smile!

22 ~amy~ said...

Well aren't you clever? I love this layout...awesome work.

Did you know they actually sell machines that thread the needles themselves?! That's my next one!

23 just another day said...

A great design for a fab page,thanks for joining our challenge at inkido.

24 Bente Fagerberg said...

Totally adorable page and photos! Love tehe pretty colours! Thanks for sharing with us at Inkido!

25 Stéphanie Papin said...

Lovely combinaition of photos, embellishments and colors ! thank you for joining us at inkido this month !

26 Hera said...

Great job!!! Very beautiful page!!! Thanks for playing along with us at INKIDO!!!

27 Karita said...

Beautiful layout and wiht so cute photos.
Thank you for joining our March Challenge at Inkiod :)

28 Ella Swan said...

HAHA that is too cute! Good approach too to get someone else to stitch. I have no room for my machine in my studio so setting it up is a pain, hence little stitching on show :) Thanks for playing along with us at INKIDO!!

29 Filharmonica said...

What a lovely layout! Thanks for joining Inkidos March challenge.

30 Наташа Бумага-Марака said...

Your LO so coooool! And you really love your sewing machine))))))))))
Thanks for playing along with us at INKIDO :)

31 reneabouquets said...

So very sweet and so beautiful! Thank you for playing along with the March Challenge at Inkido ~Renea

32 Cathrine Sandvik said...

I just love your bright colors in this Layout. It' so cool :-) Thank's for joining Inkidos challenge!

33 Hera said...

Beautiful page! Love the colors! Thanks for playing along with us at Inkido!

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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