
Hooked on paint....:)


There's something magical about putting paint on canvas. I can't believe it took me so long to get hooked on paint. The misconception is that it is messy and you will get paint everywhere. At least, that's what I thought since many artists tend to show us their painted hands. *LOL* Which was why I started with mists. You get the randomness of paint with the easy clean-up.

But it's surprisingly not as messy as what I initially thought ....[trust me, I can do this without messing up my manicure *LOL*] and you have more control over where the paint goes and drips. And all I need to clean up is my craft mat and my palette knife [Yep....too lazy to wash paint brushes..hehe]. 

A canvas for my bloggy pal Julie. :)

Supplies: 4 x 4 canvas, Daler-Rowney acrylic paints and gesso, Claudine Hellmuth gel medium, Tim Holtz game piece, 7 Gypsies sticker, Golden glass bead gel, bling, pearls, button, wrapping tissue, paper blooms, netting from vegetable packaging


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

This is GORGEOUS! The texture is amazing. Julie is going to love this! I predict at least 8 smiles on her comment. :)

2 Laurel said...

What an amazing piece of artwork!

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I give you :):):):):):):):) and raise you 2 Cindy :):) -- lol!!!

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this so much my friend!! Seriously made me cry!!!! I just love love love love love love it!!!! The colors are AMAZING!!!!!

How funny we both posted canvasses today!?!?!? LOL :)

4 kavitha said...

oh wow..Wat an amazing it

5 Annette Allen said...

wow love all the paint..such a fun this canvas..

6 Unknown said...

Awesome canvas...and I love the way you simplified it for us with all that labelling.Julie is one lucky woman.I love the variety of textures and colours used.

7 Keren Tamir said...

This is stunning and a beautiful gift for Julie

8 lavina agarwal said...

What a gorgeous canvas dear! Love the textures and the simplification. Great use of net from veggie packing, i always wanted to use it, nice tip!

9 Lynnda said...

Love the canvas!!!! I'm sure Julie loves this to bits!!!!

I love paints too... great de-stress for me :)...


10 Katy said...

This is so awesome!! I love how colorful the canvas is but how you used the b & w picture-just gorgeous! And vegetable packaging-I have always wanted to use that but didn't know where to incorporate-brilliant! :)

11 Kirsty Vittetoe said...

This is so beautiful.....Julie is going to LOVE IT!!!!

12 Shahrul Niza said...

SO STUNNING!!!. Yup, paints are fun :). You have become a mixed media JUNKY (wink) now, soooo glad you're having fun in the process too!. beautiful work :).

13 Miae said...

Wow! Julie's gift is beautiful! I do appreciate how you broke down the anatomy of your canvas! Well done Yvonne!

14 Sherry Eckblad said...

Love the canvas and I know Julie will too.

15 ~amy~ said...

MAGNIFICENT...that is one fine keepsake.

16 sandi said...

Wow! This is fabulous! Julie is going to LOVE this!!!!

17 Audrey Pettit said...

My gosh, how stunning! Love that background and love the photo you chose. Editing it in black and white was a perfect decision to go with your bright canvas. I KNOW Julie is going to LOVE this!

18 alexandra s.m. said...

amazing canvas! wow!!

19 Lee-Anne said...

This is absolutely stunning! What a sweet gift for Julie!

20 Linda Breedlove said...

Ohhhh WOW, girl.... this is one serious piece of art!!! I LOVE it! FABULOUS colors and the pearls are amazing!!!

21 Savannah O'Gwynn said...

You just amaze me!!! LOVE this!

22 Cindy Lee said...

Wow! Such a stunning piece of art!! You truly amazed me, Yvonne!

23 Unknown said...

Now that background looks like it would have been so fun to do. I just love this. Wonderful work here my friend.


24 Romina Nahata said...

Wow ! Now thats so awsome !! Great work !

25 Rose said...

you are AWESOME!!! and so is this canvas :)

26 Alice said...

gorgeous background with amazing textures. love the rich colors, too. beautiful work of art, Yvonne!

27 Tone-Lill said...

Awsome and amaizing, this canvas is so fantasticly well made, a share work of art. Lucky friend who can decorate her home with this :)

28 Erum Tasneem said...

oh my gorgeousness!!!

29 Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Wow, this is so fabulous, I love it.


Awesome gift, Yvonne! Incredible texture.

31 MirjamC said...

this is really a beautiful canvas! great gift fot julie!

32 Unknown said...

I haven't been here for awhile. Your artistic creations are still as awesome as ever :)

33 glorygirl said...

This is soooo wonderful!!! I would love to see a tutorial on how you made this beauty! Crazy great texture!!!

34 Ella Swan said...

Cool canvas Yvonne! I split open a big plastic bag & lay it on top of my craft mat so I don't clean that up - just chuck it in the bin!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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