
My completed projects are sitting in a box, collecting dust.

Elephant canvas

I'm making a conscientious effort to make practical creations while participating in challenges these days. In the two odd years that I've been craft blogging, I have amassed quite a collection of completed projects that I've made just to play along with challenges. Now, they are just sitting in a box, collecting dust. *LOL* 

Do you have the same problem?

Speaking of practical, I decorated this simple 4x4 canvas for my nephews' play area for the latest Circus comes to Town challenge over at Bows and Berries.....I think it might be useful for my littlest nephew J who is learning how to talk. Some red paint and glimmer mist for the base. I coloured the Circus Elephant with Copics and then added stickles. The letter 'e' is from K & Co.

P/s: Come play along with my guest Alice's stitching challenge! :)

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1 Laurel said...

What a fun project!

2 Nadia Cannizzo said...

LOL! I too have the same problem. THATS why I make sure I journal on all my layouts so at least they are not just pretty pages ..if know what I mean? At first i put everything in folders...now they are all neat and tidy on the fireplace mantel piece. LOL! Take care.

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I try and do all my pages on things I want to scrap :):):):):):):):):) So far...knock on wood...its worked out good! lol! :) I loveeeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the colors!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

4 RiNNE said...

LOL! I have some cards collecting dust but not because of challenges :) :). Heehee! It's cuz I haven't found the perfect person or occasion for them! Great project.. The stickles are a wonderful addition!

5 Dora said...

A great project and yes I have a lot of projects to...and all in a box!

6 Blossom inch said...

yes, i have the same problem...but I managed to store everything nicely. This one is gorgeous, cute elephant!

7 Isha Gupta said...

WOW!!! This looks fab Yvonne. I am sure your nephew is going to love it. I also have some projects...well all in the box on my shelf...lol.

8 Robin said...

Love the idea of a canvas for your nephew... very clever!! Fab colours and sparkle!!

9 Rajaa said...


10 Mel said...

Oh this is just stunning Yvonne, I love this idea, the bling on the elephants back is gorgeous and the mist in the paint for the background is gorgeous. Melx

11 Spardha said...

agreed!.. there are bunch loads of stuff i just make and then store.. God knows why!.. ;)
but the best way to solve the issue i9s to spread the cheer and send some happy mails! :D
LOVE it!.. red looks soo bright!.. and the image is fab!

12 Stacy said...

I like how u altered the 4x4 frame! Simple yet not so simple! Love it to bits! :)

I do have the same problem. My cards over the past year has increased so tremendously that it can't fit in the box already. Wonder what can I do to finish it up? Haha..

Xoxo, Stacy
P/S: u make very nice stuffs!

13 Lynnda said...

Stunning !!the red background just POP!!! and the elephant is cute... you are too genius... !! Collecting dust!!!... I can imagine that!!...My DH said... you start thinking where to store your RUBBISH!!...LOL... what I did.. the nice one .... I frame me up...almost one week I frame one... and the rest I kept in a 12x12 album!!...all under my buffet cabinet... I bought a nice buffet cabinet... just to store my rubbish... hugs...xoxo

14 Jocelyn said...

Love this....so bright and happy!!!

Wishing you a great one!!!

15 Sherry Eckblad said...

I used to have that same box gathering dust, but gave up doing challenges like that.

Love the canvas and I am sure little J will too.

16 Heather said...

I have a whole box full of cards I have made. Course I always end making a new card when I need one and don't end up using them. I guess thats
's why I try to only do layout challenges. As for other projects ,frame, canvases, and such, I don't do too many as I don't have much wall space left in my scraproom. Not even sure exactly where I am going to put my Creative blocks thing(course I was looking for small canvases at Hobby Lobby yesterday to do some more projects lol).

Love the canvas it is so cute and perfect for the playroom!

17 DonnaMundinger said...

I can't even tell you how much stuff I've amassed. My cards are crammed in boxes, piled on desks, thrown in drawers. Really cute canvas. Perfect for your nephew. xxD

18 Marit said...

I LOVE the big elephant against the red! Gorgeous!!! And oh yes, I have a few albums filled with 'challenge layouts' I don't do challenges much lately (no time) but my art journal stack grows, and grows, and grows ;)

19 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

My cards fill 2 shoeboxes, but since I've been making so many of them I've found that I'm now okay with selling them (at far under their value), but it's been a few dollars here and a few dollars there, all money spent on more crafty goodies! I'm very confident folks would want to buy some of your fabulous creations.

20 Casey Wright said...

This is absolutely beautiful! Love it!

21 Sparkplug17 said...

This is darling!

I typically make all of my cards for birthdays, thank yous, with sympathy, and christmas sentiments, so I'll actually use them. I use to end up with random cards too. :)

22 Rose said...

How fun for him to learn his letters :)

yes i have a ton of cards and i don't send them out!! lol

23 Ujjwal said...

This is such fun and wonderful way to learn letters!

And yes I am addicted to challenges too :D

24 ~amy~ said...

This is wonderful...nice vibrant colors on the canvas!

You and I are two peas in a pod sista...I have tons of cards...I need to package them up to sell....

25 Angi Barrs said...

Love all the sparkle and shine. Cute project.

I hear ya about all these projects collecting dust. I'm doing the same now to be practical and save money. :)

26 Alice said...

love how you dressed up the elephant for the big show!! such a fun projects, Yvonne! yes, i have boxes of cards sitting around. what to do with them????? =)

27 papertrails leaver said...

your nephew is going to love this! That elephant is really cute and love the red canvas you placed him on!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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